Frage von casjenennen:
would like for the first time I HDV captured material cut. Unfortunately, it is jerky when playing. What options I have. I can vorschaumodi or must I convert it as a low-resolution Date save, cut and render the front hdvmaterial replace it?
Do not have any experience!
thank you for your feedback!
Edit from Mod: question in the section "Adobe Premiere Pro / Elements folder.
Antwort von Sil05:

whether it is synonymous with HDV material does have to be tested. But an acquaintance has unintentionally starkkomprimierten with WMF instead AVI worked. I was able to work "save" by getting into a different folder (not subfolders Project!) And at open PE politely asked where the data are to be found, but I have the correct AVI files untergejubelt.