Frage von Vinzent:
I have decided to create a HDV Camera to buy (probably the SonyHDR-HC5E) because I have the advantage of high Resolutiongeniessen wants. According to the recommendations in the forum as I take the band recording material, so that I reach an optimum s.Qualität and not in Mpeg 2 must absorb.
But I do my films previously cut s.Compi would like and then burn to DVD would like to have my question, I then lost this advantage?
Since I have an HDTV capable synonymous Television growth must - do I have to certain connections, so that my DVD player, the signal can be transmitted properly or do I need synonymous own DVD player to the HD signal to the TV set to be transferred?
Or do I just in the enjoyment of good quality when I look at the pictures directly from your camcorder s.HDTV enabled Watching Television?
Thank you s.die Experts
Antwort von Jan:

with the MPEG 2 compression works synonymous HC 5, but there is 1440x1080 the resolution.
That all depends on s.was you have a DVD device, a Panasonic BD 10 & SonyBDP S 1, the 1080 P already present.
It's entirely a question of what your DVD player can still be read, except for MPEG-2, DiVX?
When the two listed above would be an MPEG-4 H.264 compression good.
If it were simply a device is DVD (576i) would be a live TV directly to the image of the HC 5 per empfehlenswert HDMI, or a slightly worse display with the included component cables.
HDMI has always almost any device.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Only the devices are unfortunately still quite expensive - the Panasonic BluRay player gets BD 10 to stop unfortunately only around 1100 Euros, and the SonySonyBDP S 1 is even more expensive. Honestly, so I would have to wait - synonymous to the burners are still expensive, and the authoring software anyway. The Prices are already in ruins.
Cheaper way to time with solutions such as the TViX-HD, or the Kiss devices. And some more. At least until BluRay and HD-DVD times attractively priced accordingly become.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

There is no comparable Verteilwege DVD. Viable alternatives:
1. A DVD with AVC-HD discs. Burners and blank media are cheap, the software appears but only just (I have no experience - there must be someone else ran). In addition, the discs are only mentioned in the Blu-ray players (best model: PS3, 600 EUR).
2. A DVD-ROM with a WMV or DivX encoded AVI fill. Detects also not a normal DVD player for DivX-HD should s.der Funkausstellung but devices do. As for the cost when they come from and exactly what they suck: Ma wes still ned.
3. HDV or WMV/DivX/Was-synonymous-immer- video from the laptop to play. Is somewhat with DVI / HDMI adapter. The TV should have a parallel HDMI audio input have. Some - not so old - Flat TVs report of the PC graphics card via HDMI but only one possible Resolutionvon 640 x 480 - then it's difficult.
4. HDV finished film back to the camcorder over there to play and of play.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Hello Vincent,
I think the way the you've described above is currently the best.
I just do it. I use an FX1 like the HDR-HC5E the HDV - video in mpg saves. Accordingly, high resolution, so can these mpg file not synonymous with that of a DVD camcorder compare. The cut film to burn to a DVD Video and the movie, I play back up to tape it to the DVDs are the HDV format support. It is not clear yet which format will prevail (HD-DVD / Blue Ray)
AVCHD This is as far as I know a non-standard codec, and there are many questions in this forum how to cut now.
Antwort von Axel:
Since I have an HDTV capable synonymous Television growth must - do I have to certain connections, so that my DVD player, the signal can be transmitted properly or do I need synonymous own DVD player to the HD signal to the TV set to be transferred? The thing with the HDready / fullHD - TV is a science in itself. The purchase should be carefully. More than off-topic in
But I do my films previously cut s.Compi would like and then burn to DVD would like to have my question, I then lost this advantage?
Clear answer: No! An SD-DVD from a - good - HDV on an original looks - good (so) - HD TV so great, that you temporarily do not stick to any overpriced, immature and not future-proof systems are looking for players need to believe it. Moreover, there is the classical alternative:
Or do I just in the enjoyment of good quality when I look at the pictures directly from your camcorder s.HDTV enabled Watching Television?
Antwort von Ikaron:

But I do my films previously cut s.Compi would like and then burn to DVD would like to have my question, I then lost this advantage?
Clear answer: No! An SD-DVD from a - good - HDV on an original looks - good (so) - HD TV so great, that you temporarily do not stick to any overpriced, immature and not future-proof systems are looking for players need to believe it. Axel, this is simply not true. If I make a HD movie on SD do, and then only on the player do upscaling, then I have considerably s.Qualität was lost. This is not different. The only way to benefit from the high Resolutionzu get, is when you both in the entire processing chain remains high, and then synonymous with high play. Those who do not believe times will make the appropriate tests - we have just made the SD picture looks next to a real HD picture of course massively worse.
And there is this very well already Solutions - above, such as the TViX HD.
The return matches of HDV on tape is that you can then synonymous of play - that goes with countless cutting programs. Only you have the tapes with other risks - droped frames are seen in the bands very well, so I started this way about not pursuing.
But be careful even with AVCHD. Still, the encoder can cut the material is not suitable for the camcorder spend just appear but other solutions, maybe it can already (Ulead Video Studio 11 +, Pinnacle Studio 11).
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

The HDV standard nunmal videos in MPG2 format, I think the solution is the best video in another format to convert not the best.
So you better wait until the players and burners are available synonymous with MPG2 HDV support.
Antwort von Ikaron:

They are so far available: TViX-HD, Snazio, Xoro 8500, Kiss 600 upwards - or are still quite expensive BluRay devices. HD-DVD can still not play movies 50i.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Available is many things, the list is longer than ....
Each company brings any codec out, everything is super, but the standard says it nunmal for the consumer, two standards are HDV 1 and HDV 2, both work with the MPG2 codec. And that is probably synonymous with the codec of the HD-DVD and Blue Ray is used.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Udo, as AVCHD mpeg4 derivative is definitely a high standard for consumer video, besides HDV1 and HDV2. And AVCHD significantly higher sales in the coming years are forecast as of HDV1 and HDV2 together. And when BluRay and HD-DVD mepg2 not synonymous mpeg4 how to apply? I believe it is.
Antwort von Ikaron:
They are so far available: TViX-HD, Snazio, Xoro 8500, Kiss 600 upwards - or are still quite expensive BluRay devices. .... ... or the playstation3.
gruß cj
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

I'm videographers, and it comes with games consoles.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:
Udo, as AVCHD mpeg4 derivative is definitely a high standard for consumer video, besides HDV1 and HDV2. Whereby AVCHD significantly higher sales in the coming years are forecast as of HDV1 and HDV2 together. And when BluRay and HD-DVD mepg2 not synonymous mpeg4 how to apply? I believe it is. The requests in the forum, how to do that because now handled are synonymous risen!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Do not underestimate the game consoles - to grow well with the players together. Personally, I am synonymous but prefer a good player, then hopefully both as synonymous BluRay HD-DVD can.
The demand for AVCHD-compatible editing software has arrived - and the solutions. I lose slowly the overview synonymous - but may take longer Edius; in the U.S. just appeared Ulead Video Studio 11 + can now appearing Vegas 7e kanns; Pinnacle Studio in the latest version kanns; Magix - I believe that kanns synonymous in the new version.
Is only a matter of time before quite so each can be the NLE. What I especially think AVCHD is absurd, that was actually never intended for the cut - at least the industry has believed!
Antwort von Axel:

But I do my films previously cut s.Compi would like and then burn to DVD would like to have my question, I then lost this advantage?
Clear answer: No! An SD-DVD from a - good - HDV on an original looks - good (so) - HD TV so great, that you temporarily do not stick to any overpriced, immature and not future-proof systems are looking for players need to believe it.
Axel, this is simply not true. If I make a HD movie on SD do, and then only on the player do upscaling, then I have considerably s.Qualität was lost. Compared to HDV, yes. Compared to a SD DVD from native-DV, but you win s.Qualität. It is ridiculous for several hundred øre such trumpery outputs to any sharpness to "enjoy", for me a lemming behavior. Please do not think I was arrogant. I was even a HiFi Heini, had read a lot, built, bought and have a lot of coal verpulvert. Today I have a CD radio. My answer should be the voice of reason in this hysterical screaming his. Peace, patience, humility = "enjoyment". Dr. Axel.
EDIT: And I was one of the first to get a DVD player bought. DM 1600, after half a year outdated because he does not double-layer devoured ...
But it runs just beautifully and is buying, the industry has no other auf'm butter bread!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Thou art quite right - a SD-DVD wins s.Qualität something if it is hochskaliert. But here is the speech of high-resolution source material, and as you lose considerably if you do not have the appropriate player.
And wait is synonymous totally ok and appropriate - especially with BluRay and HD-DVD. Especially because in the meantime, other solutions exist, moreover, much cheaper. For my Xoro HSD 8500, I just paid 170 euros, and the high material really plays well - of cheap regular DVD blanks.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:
Do not underestimate the game consoles - to grow well with the players together. Personally, I am synonymous but prefer a good player, then hopefully both as synonymous BluRay HD-DVD can.
The demand for AVCHD-compatible editing software has arrived - and the solutions. I lose slowly the overview synonymous - but may take longer Edius; in the U.S. just appeared Ulead Video Studio 11 + can now appearing Vegas 7e kanns; Pinnacle Studio in the latest version kanns; Magix - I believe that kanns synonymous in the new version.
Is only a matter of time before quite so each can be the NLE. What I especially think AVCHD is absurd, that was actually never intended for the cut - at least the industry has believed! Pinnacle Studio can not even reliably cut DV!
I doubt not synonymous with AVCHD codec is a good (will be), disturbs me a lot more to the consumer immediately on each codec anspringt and thus disrupts the development, since even Manufacturer wait how the market develops. It is technically possible long intelligent format to unify this gezanke to pay the market eventually, we want to rotate the videos in best quality, and which will give us implies.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

@ Wolfgang
Hab mir mal from the HDV forum a post stolen.
Ok, thank you once for the info. That puts these things massively, I think. A 30 fps player, I have certainly not in the living room.
In this statement, you'll probably be on BD / HD renounce?
/ E
Antwort von wolfgang:

Udo, I know only too well to the unreliability of small bescheid Pinnacle Software, the complaints in various forums so to speak volumes. And I do feel that the better should be. I myself have with the Pinnacle Studio software for a long time but nothing more done, why should I synonymous? Especially the new capabilities for authoring HD-DVD and BluRay are likely of interest, but because the other manufacturer synonymous during the course of this year after the draw.
Clearly, therefore, synonymous Consumer jump to new format, because it sometimes does not know better. The devices will halt in trading down, and then follows a (incomplete) to advise - and later the angry awakening. And in AVCHD actually all large companies will be back again, about which so synonymous Panasonic HDV negated (for JVC AVCHD and now I am not sure).
Personally, I am (still) not a real supporter of AVCHD, which is now synonymous if perhaps it occurs: the problems are still to big. But medium-and long term, the format could really take off, it's just potential, because the codec is better than mepg2 the standard Full-HD support. But the camcorder to take advantage of these two points, I have in the consumer area has not yet seen.
Eva, is not a particular problem, look to steal a post - you can read it yes synonymous. :)
Personally, I would only then - presumably to BluRay - workable if
Prices for the s.die burner massively decreased
b) the media have become cheaper
c) the authoring tool in our 600 euros NLEs have been introduced
d) the 50 Hz issue is resolved. A 60i equipment do I need not, moreover, not the wrong price of today's devices.
Antwort von Ikaron:

Just look at Panasonic leisure, have a HDDVC Cam found, surprisingly, the 3CCD camera but only the following pixels are available.
3 x 560,000 pixels [total]; 3x 520,000 [effectively]
Where does because the high signal?
Antwort von Ikaron:
Just look at Panasonic leisure, have a HDDVC Cam found, surprisingly, the 3CCD camera but only the following pixels are available.
3 x 560,000 pixels [total]; 3x 520,000 [effectively]
Where does because the high signal? Sorry, of course, mean AVCHD
Antwort von Eva Maier:

@ Wolfgang
It should be really intense with flat panels, Blu Ray or HD-DVD and the new video formats currently unpopular deal then to get out quickly the PAL only one edge so mitläuft whether someone like 60 Hz or not.
Otherwise, I remember those posts on this topic again and again s.die Introduction of the DVD.
The gibts ja now almost 10 years, and ever cheaper hardware and software, the greater the problems.
As for the PS3 is concerned it works very well on time, but infinite power so I dfass alone from these BGrund would not recommend.
Similar to the XBOX360, with your cable clutter. The HD drive is actually good s.PC operate synonymous and the HD format, with seemingly not as complicated as of Blu Ray.
Everything but nothing useful if we wait until times -;)
/ E
Antwort von wolfgang:

The magic word is pixel shifting, just at Panasonic. Does the HVX200 so synonymous in use, or the upcoming synonymous JVC HD7.
Eva, the vision devices is an issue especially painful - I get to pick, because they are often overlooked. My dear fellow Holger Scheel, who both Slashcam as synonymous in the Vegas forum is active again recently some full-HD displays tested, and this is the last computer video 3 / 07 published. The Conclusion was bad - either leave the equipment is not in the 50 Hz mode via HDMI, or as a full-HDTV address, or they show a merciless overscan and zoom into it, or they show occasionally equal no Picture. And this in a device class around 1000 euros.
Honestly, I only cut here HDV - and frightened before a full-HD display unit still back because I cut halfway synonymous with my old 1280x1040 monitor can judge - half-halt. And was significantly cheaper. Matching device combinations can be found is a gamble, I am afraid. We may have one or other suitable combination of machine vision and graphics card for the cut, but they are apparently rare.
I am just happy that I have on my 1080 50i Fujitsu Siemens Plasma and my Xoro 8500 - the 50i can - perfectly smooth play.
Antwort von Eva Maier:

So it is once again against better knowledge pioneered announced.
/ E
Antwort von wolfgang:

Partial surely. But that is the information about hardware perfectly functioning of interest. Whether you come from tests, or from experiences forums.
Antwort von Jan:

Even though I now get a purely of a dear guest, Wolfgang has again proved that he did not know of the matter is free.
I must now look at the first consumer Full HD JVC GZ HD 7 switch.
JVC claims rock festival that a burned DVD with the SD supplied direct burner CU VD 40 well before a normal DVD with a device is to be 576i. Next week I get the camera, bin ja mal gespannt JVC because what has been achieved.
When the camera is not a success, JVC will sooner or later big problems.
HDD models do mau, MiniDV very rare. Even in the television sector is losing JVC.
When AVCHD prevails, according to Sony the big offensive in recent days is assumed, Canon is synonymous in the next few weeks the world with AVCHD models "shock", JVC will probably be difficult to turn or come to halt by the wayside - Evolution halt .