Frage von beni-l:Hi Folks, who could help me? I'm looking for a shoulder stand SonyVX2000/2100. Synonymous I read that one can own such a building - perhaps something like a person would have instructions for it? Would be very grateful - maybe I can revangieren me somehow! Previously the company had in VIVANCO has such a program, but they are nowhere to be found - I wonder why?
Thank you very much.
PS. Or maybe someone has already built the and I could sell?
Antwort von Markus:
there is a simple trick to the Internet (not only) search by shoulder tripod to: Enter the search term into the
Google Image Search
If you would buy synonymous needed, of course,
Antwort von AMH:
With a little creativity in Google you will surely find what ;-) But not for the term <<Schulterstatif give up for VX2100>>!
Good luck
Antwort von Markus:
I found just browsing on eBay for a shoulder stand:
shoulder support for all MiniDV cameras. The offer ends s.heutigen 09.07.05 at 19:04:10 EDT Clock.