hi leute. 've a problem: got my video recorder had been a few days, try this now for several hours again anzustecken successfully, but it is not radio. following: the antenna (cable) goes into the vhs -> of where the antenna cable goes into the premiere receiver -> of there is another aerial cable into the tv a Scart cable goes from vhs in the premiere receiver -> of a second then goes into the scart cable tv look on the receiver -> no problem look on the tv -> no problem look on the vhs recorders ----> snowy picture and somehow there is no possibility to change this, synonymous've already tried the converter channel to change - always the same ugly-covered building. please please please have someone a solution for me? As I said, 2 days, everything still works smoothly. thank you very much in advance
Antwort von Markus:
is perhaps the main antenna or the tuner on the VCR broken? Clasp times but only the recorder s.den Antenna Television s.and pull all the other cable (scart cable and other antenna) ab. Can you in this way, a video screen?
Now put additional times the antenna cable into the VCR and check out at the reception or the recorder. Changing something? Can you record TV programs?
Antwort von Eva Maier:
As I See true because in the heron follow what is not, or VHS must first be configured (because he has lost the settings)