Frage von Gadscho:
Unfortunately I found nothing similar in the Forum and am totally confused.
Have a Canon HF 200 and now my questions would be just that:
1. Canon's 25p recording to be included in 25p in 50i but tagged?
2. Does the fact in editing programs, problems or handled it the file just as two simultaneous Halbilder? (Media Info says top field first)
3. Since I've taken in and 25p for Blu-Ray but must render to 50i, it is then no preference which setting, "top field" or "bottom field first" I'm using?
4. Can I take over the GOP in Stanardeinstellungen for Magix VDL just so-> so this Blu-Ray are komtatibel?
5. 25p makes sense if I must render to 50i eh?
Thank you so much for schonmal ne response.
Antwort von deti:
1. Canon's 25p recording to be included in 25p in 50i but tagged?
2. Does the fact in editing programs, problems or handled it the file just as two simultaneous Halbilder? (Media Info says top field first)
3. Since I've taken in and 25p for Blu-Ray but must render to 50i, it is then no preference which setting, "top field" or "bottom field first" I'm using?
4. Can I take over the GOP in Stanardeinstellungen for Magix VDL just so-> so this Blu-Ray are komtatibel?
5. 25p makes sense if I must render to 50i eh? 1. Yes
2. No
3. H.264 is always upper field first.
4. Yes
5. Yes, if you watch the film zBsComputer or Internet video platforms and want to spread.