Frage von Theo_Rehticker:
On the Internet there are a few clips in slow motion with the HV20/30 have been included. The camcorder has the best of my knowledge no specific setting for this and I probably follow with software. How do I get something out s.besten? Progressive or interlaced? Cinemode or manual? Which program is especially recommended? My scope are insects and bees.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Antwort von Zizi:

(How many shots does a bee on a second?)
180-250 wing beats per second:)
Antwort von kiteschlampe.:

Antwort von jazzy_d:

From Casio, there is a credible clippers which can be up to 1200 fps (smaller resolution)
Antwort von Kiteschlampe.:
From Casio, there is a credible clippers which can be up to 1200 fps (smaller resolution) LINK!
Dange, Chris
Antwort von Kiteschlampe.:

Habs found my test you do that?
Kannste forget 300fps at "only" 512x384 is nice but the Samsung should make 300fps 720p ...
gruss Chris
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Thanks for the previous answers,
Close up without synonymous (with better, thank you) is the Focus already sufficient. Solidify the wing to leave if I have a 180-250 wing beats per second (Thank you, was the general?)
what a time of 1/500s - 1000 / s is required probably forget the camera has up to 2000 / s but with the necessary lighting grills so the animals.
Soft landings and the action s.Flugloch with 150 / s as described with 50i and record in 50p convert sounds good ( "unsatisfactory result" sounds bad). Thanks Chris, I will give it a try - eehhh ... why 50i recording?
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

the small samsung is quite wrong - in the pocket format hd
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

The Exilim 1200 fps seems to pack - but then only in 336x96
Antwort von Tinobee:

The Samsung should be for your purposes perfectly sufficient and remember: the relatively large chip you have, at least during the day outdoors - often enough light.
I can imagine, you can s.einem summer so that the wing beats film, if you have the patience and the right moment to press start (time window 10 seconds).
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Yes, which is very interesting for me, synonymous because of the size. But I think in my hands is still some time. In the meantime, my Hv30 enough. Somewhere I have a bit of 30p with Hv20/30 read but I can not adjust and the manufacturer's specifications synonymous me doubt whether this is possible. 30p would be preferable but 50i or not ... or does it?
Unfortunately I am only in a few days to even try, so I am grateful for every tip slow.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... 30p with Hv20/30...aber I can not adjust ... 30p has only the U.S. version, not the PAL Camera.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von kiteschlampe.:
Somewhere I have a bit of 30p with Hv20/30 read but I can not adjust and the manufacturer's specifications synonymous me doubt whether this is possible. 30p would be preferable but 50i or not ... or does it? Even if (U.S. Model) is 50i better.
Antwort von Fubi:

So when sunshine is with the HV20 without any problems shutter speeds of 1/2000s use
the problem when really close filming of bee etc is the focus. I've bee yesterday at its blüte filmed and am as close as possible to get gone. because the focus properly is the most difficult as it en cm or the wrong body back fokusiiert (for manual focus, auto, you can always forget)
important is synonymous to the stable off because the wing proposals nachziehn
ich werd ma free lodging at whether the wings freeze proposals read with 1 / 2000 s shuttereinstellung but not so crass as you wahrscheinlih slomo looking you get 25 frames with 50halbbildern or net out
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Yes, my dreams are good high-speed recording - but every little improvement brings me forward. My project consists in large part from lecture and filmed around the aufzulockern close-ups are a fine thing. Unfortunately the bees live very quickly and the operations are usually hard to time. Any slowdown is helpful, and it was still so low. So here again many thanks for past and future support.
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

The focus is really on the gambling, the time I usually like with the camera: Focus only detect and then move the camera slightly. A sled, etc. simplifies then.
But by arriving at a bee on the sharpness of the eyes would need to keep man / woman a very fast "Bees Face." The user community should be very limited ;-).
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The focus of the head of a (heranfliegenden) bee should not be a feasible defenieren leave.
Even in the video where the focus would be quite far enough in the case of a macro recording, the sharpness of the field to a few mm or cm some impact.
The macro recording the man of animals / insects knows are "lucky hit" Exposure of a whole series or the animals were dead
The photography is reserved already by the adjusting of the "Ballgen" by a few mm so the picture changes when we could speak of focus.
So I would say the camera at a fixed point is sharp, then the few cm to be later displayed sharp synonymous for SlowMotion Effect to use.
Thus, perhaps one to two seconds of the shots in the heranfliegende bee synonymous displayed was really sharp.
These recordings will require even after more than 25 frames per second in order to then as we say 4-8 sec clip with process.
One side of the camera 100 fps would therefore be strongly advised.
So if you have a photo-camera and with this you can shoot macro, I would still sequences in the actual clip racks.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
Exciting story and the topic of Macro highspeed, but with conventional cameras (if they are synonymous in terms of models you mentioned is a good camera) is not possible.
You do not stiffen too much into the subject because it or the results you will not really satisfy.
I wish you much success and happiness synonymous at least one or the other to obtain sharp Picture.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Thank you for the serious answer, the flying bee in the Focus was more than a joke meant to illustrate to me the problem is well aware. Maybe I really lucky and get a few seconds Video usable material. By many indications, again THANK YOU s.Alle I go back now and be prepared to be synonymous not be disappointed if no presentable material is emerging.
For more information on Macro / slomo are quite welcome!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Attempt for the AGM or a Nahlinse to get (screw).
Thus, should the filming of the top of the stick to the moving strain can be achieved.
Trumpf with perhaps a Plexiglas disc s.der Page and between the combs moving bees. You finally have an HD Cam with the results should be clean.
The approach things but you should umbedingt times the test would intresssant.
There are not any films in HD bees so what some must do something. Thanks for the effort and the effort. I think so whatever reitzvoll and my Meihnung requires more patience and subtlety than many other "motive".
.................................................. .................................................. ......
What I would now intressieren can be a bee is not as black s.einen point lead (Reitzes).
Would a small antenna with colored dot at the bee approaching irritate?
If this point (antenna) at half of the image in front of the camera subject, and as a focal point (area) serve?
That would be the questions I would put my order with resources should be the right picture to get.
Important synonymous I would light the issue:
Here I would with "brighteners" to work through existing daylight white cardboard to reflect, for example. (When Approaching s.den "input" of the bottom and top * * brighteners Place - white tunnel, so to speak - Camera Laterally placed forward directed away from the input)
To ensure a high exposure time (shutter) camera synonymous really exploit you need light (without the animals to fry "- as you already mentioned)
This is when you shoot with s.das eg 1 / 1000 do tremendously important.
Absolute advantage can only be the background as far as possible be phased out and the main focus to be directed geschehn.
Hope you can later of your experiences and the material would show me to this very Reitzes sehn.
For tips regarding macro = look in forums such as Still Image DSLR forum de and such since macro. In Prinziep there are the usual rules on video synonymous to argue.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Alla Theo_Rehticker ...
... look after macro lenses; überleg you something to plexi glass sides / lid; Bastel you a couple of mobile light and donor s.dafür videos ;-)
B. DeKid
PS: With a track for the Tripod you could video and still image at the same time ;-) So 1 bee beat flaps with 2 (-;
* Top * - Translucent fabric aka Softbox see when photographing.
Cardboard is inappropriate of the top ;-)
Antwort von Nacho:

On the macro: I have the Raynox DCR-250 and am very happy for Money:
Have fun,
Antwort von Nachtmensch:

hab mal en made some screenshots of the clips I shot last week had
synonymous bee had accidentally filmed un'm on this thread, shaping
filmed with HV20 in hd, 25i
1 +2 sin pictures with manual focus but not fixed imputed to closing time, the other 2 are with 1 / 1000 s shutter
werds soon nochma with 1 / 2000 sample, then the wings should be completely frozen.
the videos are in the setting sun has been so light was not so bright, so only 1 / 1000
biene1: beim wegfliegen: the wasp fly 1 (shutter 1:1000) beim wegfliegen 2 (shutter 1/1000) the biggest problem is really the focus, because the bee to move in close and you have given the animal haltwegs formatfüllend launch any movement from the focus area moved out. isses therefore more or less a matter of luck until you get sharp pictures, you need patience halt
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

The response gives me great pleasure
Raynox dcr-250 = 8 Dioptrin is ordered. The Focus of HV20/30 is huge but you have already ran very close. With the intent it will be better.
Plexiglas is certainly a good thing not to be stung, but the reflections are a problem. There are "cabinets" with sides made of glass because I had similar problems (but they are to cope). That's great for cutting out the Schwänzeltanz (curbs your thoughts) recorded. Unfortunately, such processes in the hive logically instead of in the dark and watching the best in the twilight.
The Lighting with brighteners is a good solution to heat problems - Thanks
The previously very expensive ring lights as there are now LED version at reasonable prices - what if the suck?
In the apiary, I will close s.Fenster a small studio (film method) to build beautiful shots to get.
Tips and advice are very welcome!
Thanks for the pictures, they are very revealing. I too have become similar to Dandelion recordings made but not yet with the conversion to the slow motion started. The Shuttereinstellung I was on automatic, but the next attempt, I am with different settings.
The 1/2000s, I want to see!
Pictures I will then adjust synonymous, but I can always take some time.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Polarization filter are recorded through glass or into the water used. Otherwise you have right of course because of the reflections.
Alla a lot of success, one is curious.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Theo_Rehticker:

Yes, I'm curious synonymous - that is like a little adventure.
The "steering" or better "attracting" the bees, there is a simple trick: sugar water. Then one sees but the drops. Attractant (fragrance, pheromones), you can purchase a queen bee (dead or alive) is similar.
A presumption s.Rande I would like to get rid of: Picture one and two do not seem to be but a honey bee Wollbiene (solitary bee without a big state) or an arable Hummel to be. The greyish-white hairs are typical for honey bees. But no preference as it is, it really is Hüsch.
Remarkably s.den images synonymous, I think the (expected) Verwischungsgrad rising towards the wing tips.