Frage von Knabba:
I fly to America in April and playing with the idea of me the camera because of the cheap dollar to buy there.
Can someone tell me what, or whether this will bring problems with? For example, PAL / NTSC or 50i/60i.
Then I would be still searching for a small micro that is not too globig and the drive sounds a bit suppressed.
Thanks for your answers
Antwort von B.DeKid:

NSTC devices can be in my knowledge in the case of a Canon XL H1 here to convert PAL fee.
Now this is not with a warranty issue for EU.
This means that if you get any time with the Camera Probs get it you have to pay for the repair / or the device is not angenohmen. This was to be considered.
Otherwise, I can only say that the body prefers to buy here and lentils, for example on holiday when one is over there.
:-) HongKong is da very good for :-)))) (clear in the reference times on my Fotokram :-)
If you professionally but the device used (/ want to sell), remains only an inch away on the (in most cases - a camera would have been dutiable in this frame)
You can browse through the cheap U.S. dollars, or save it to pay synonymous. You only know what you are when / where to buy ;-) I always calculate with a factor of approximately 25-30% +, for Eikaufs price for import / duty and transportation. Depending on the article and synonymous with the resulting value.
Something like you have just remembered .... besides, things like the Ami NSTC is land holding and we just PAL ... but ne andre story ;-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

It is here now employ 144 threads with the keyword "USA" and "buy".
The answer is almost unanimous: No.. The reasoning is synonymous repeated again and again and always, from the price, the bottom line is the same on the dealer, a begaunern with the equipment, up to the lack of warranty.
Antwort von GGU:

You have to be always 30% or more to calculate, and then he guaranteed loss. So no more!
Antwort von Markus:
If you but the device [...] professional use, this leaves only one inch away on the ... This is misleading, as synonymous with a private purchase (the price is decisive) carries no legal way s.Inch over. And who is illegally trying to pay s.Ende often have a "extra bonus".
Learn More:
As I am avoiding the Inch? - And how not?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I'll give you quite Markus,
I just wanted to not enter this issue closer. Just stated that you if you use professional equipment / wants to sell, just so must act.
Personally, I am synonymous of a private Meihnung the user is not everything from holidays to submit the Inch.
However, if the inches times kollant to the taxes I pay for my coffee can, which I after a visit to a Dutch coffee house with home, then I will do this of course ;-)) But with a purchased Lens s. Inch oblivion after 2 weeks I have been in use I had for getting pointless.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
But with a purchased Lens s.Inch oblivion after 2 weeks I have been in use I had for getting pointless. The part I think s.Inch vorbeizumarschieren for tax evasion. The Inch is synonymous throughout my mind. The Inch is synonymous with not so stupid / blind as you think (or hope, depending). Your camera will be faster than U.S. imports identify you as they can turn.
The tax fraud starts at the moment, you where either the green "nothing to declare" lane or enters a question of customs officials shake their heads.
Personally, I am synonymous of a private Meihnung the user is not everything from holidays to submit the Inch. help you will no longer be next. Even with "recklessly", ie even if you accidentally given the wrong track to take, it gives a:
A traveler from a third country after entering Germany with goods, of which he knows or where he at least be possible that they apply for them and that import duties are paid, must be based on the significance of the red and the green output s.den airports provide knowledge, such knowledge if he has not already. If he does not and uses the green output on the assumption that expected of him in customs declarations or even to ensure it is starting to be able to submit, he generally makes at least a reckless tax reduction, so that a tariff surcharge can be levied. and in this extent:
§ 378 Frivolous Tax Reduction
(2) The misdemeanor with a fine can be up to fifty thousand Euros sanctioned. As you can imagine what will happen only in case of intent, is not it?
For the tariff surcharge Height:
For the tariff surcharge is usually about the (evaded) charged the benchmark for determining the surcharge to be. BG, Andreas
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Andreas .... heck I'm talking of buying things like clothes or Lens or his teddy bear, etc. This garkeinen I will submit the case to the inch. Since I am never great things to buy abroad, I see no obligation. And should the Inch times to the extent that he (see USA) my laptop or cell phone, pocket contents etc prior to arrival in a list to write an inventory list to lead, I hope, the further and of course I Barikaden to go to such oppression to .
Someone in the U.S. or else where a camera to buy (we're talking of a small clippers DIGI) and brings with them should not be regarded as tax evaders sentenced. So for example in the Maldives is ne Suunto Tauchuhr buying is unlikely to present them to the Inch.
But I do so some time in the States or Canada to work, I can only tell you that if you exit from your spending (in the form of receipts) to submit to you the percentage to be paid VAT refund, you then of course this document in Germany Entry must submit / solltest.
What You So ansprichst here may well be right, but try after your next holiday * swimwear, airbed and jewelry your wife at Inch on the table and put it right to be taxed, because you're there you're guilty conscience. Then there are probably no Zöllner sit and when you will probably laugh at you.
If 120 is the highway and I can see of the rear Anrassenden with over 180 so far flown comes, I pull to the left is not synonymous to him the way to construction .... or?
Should he be Meihnung of 180 next drive s.der lightning he will remember. Go just assume that I always s.strenge all taxes and other things to pay.
Also I think that if you reply to my first thread reads the note that I will think nothing of it assets in the U.S. to buy in order to save, and I currently hold anyway NIX of the United States. They should only come once again clear and rethink their policies and to the extent it is, I think of those away.
B. DeKid
PS: * Even small amounts can be dutiable when you buy things on holiday.
See This synonymous importing the item from this report ....
And then show me a woman with the holiday decorations from the country for under $ 500 can satisfy .... lllloooooollllll.Bzw flight times to NY and then go shopping ;-) As hste not yet bought a handbag and then are potential tax offenders if you take the wrong output ;-)))) From shoes clothes garnicht talk times.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Andreas .... heck I'm talking of buying things like clothes or Lens or his teddy bear, etc. This garkeinen I will submit the case to the inch. Since I am never great things to buy abroad, I see there is no obligation.
Then please keep your opinion for you. You call this namely quite blatantly an offense to, so something is here, of such statements are synonymous of freedom of expression is no longer covered. And - incidentally times - sometimes synonymous brings the operator in the forums Bredouille.
If you're not willing to meet you here s.die laws to hold free tip of the legal corner, silent.
to such oppression to make. Compliance with the rules of the game has nothing to do with oppression. Quite the contrary: if you open to say Inch, Taxes & Co. you are interested in a crap (because it's oppression), that is a slap in the face to those who pay their taxes correctly. As you very here, now does a community do not.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Well if you're Meihnung this ... I want anyone here suggest something or other ... I would like to join the forums, so operators apologize if this is understood.
Fact meiener first statement was not only that it is advisable to buy abroad.
As of now, the individual keeps me fairly, because I'm not Zöllner and accordingly it is not my job may be on other levels.
And with oppression as you formulierst I do not synonymous Inch ;-) If you like, but synonymous clear, and there are Meihnungsfreiheit years since 2008 no longer know you probably synonymous. And it will probably never give synonymous.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ B. DeKid
Hello DeKid ... Disruption Dich nicht dran, some cases are higher than they are hanged ... You have my sympathy and I am glad about every maverick. (just as, if it's synonymous oT is.)