Frage von Login_vergessen:
because of the possibility of recording hybrid Z7/S270 liked me very much. (The P2 system of Panasonic for me is not quite as ideal, although the images on the HVX200 MiniDV included in the broadcast echt klasse look).
But I do shudder the Rolling shutter CMOS sensors ... because someone has been able to gather practical experience (which is likely yes EX1 with similar effects "fight"), how much Wobbling, skew, etc. here felt?
Antwort von Dagmar:

Hello Anonymous.
It is always depends on what you want to do so.
I would but the RS effect is not necessarily overestimate. Yes, there are obvious even with cameras, the selection with a higher rate of CMOS to minimize the effect trying to difficulties in flash, or neon tubes. Question is whether the "normal consumer" in the current video really noticed. Sure, if you still with the magnifying glass out you will find it, the "Halbbelichtungen". Which does not really work well are the combinations of both horizontal and vertical movement. But here to explain, would be slightly long.
You can forget but not synonymous, the CMOS a lot of really significant advantages compared with the CCD brings. None of which speaks only because it is much more interesting to s.RS festzubeißen.
Just know you have it just that specific actions to effects. Very few, but they just.
Some may be in the post again even compensate if it is really disturbing, others do not.
Only I would say that the advantages of the CMOS a few disadvantages far exceed in the aggregate and to significantly improve the picture lead.
There are other quirks of the new cameras much harder to endure when I s.die BF whole discussion at the EX1 think. Reasons which Kamers really give back to .... against the background of the whole RS-long discussion forgotten.
Antwort von WoWu:

... As always, the log-in password.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

Yes, I know also that these effects exist. The Internet can be very unpleasant to some examples. In some U.S. forum, I read of one user, who probably only a tripod in front of the EX1 "force" has already started and supposedly the Picture s.zu wobbeln ... If this true, would constitute the EX1 or Z7 as hand-held camera totally inadequate.
Shooting with an HVX200 MiniDV already looked very good, but the possibility of recording hybrid gefällt mir sehr gut, so I Schiele grade so a little direction ... Z7