Frage von Sangit:
playing with the thought me a HVX200 zuzulegen
someone knows where you can get it cheap? because consumer product is not necessarily so cut-price pages hardly out
but the differences are still large
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

Hello Sangit,
the "street price" for the HVX200 is the moment when all the official Panasonic dealers at approximately 4,900 .- ¬ excl. 19% VAT arrived.
That is the price for the camera naked. Each P2 (8GB) costs an additional approximately 900th - ¬ + Tax fairytale.
Some dealers offer packages with Fire doors or additional equipment for a special on. In what part of Germany do you live?
Panasonic from its website warns against EU-nich-wg devices. Warranty.
Viele Grüße Jürgen F.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

I would soon forget
With the HVX200, you have made the right choice.
However, it is next to DV a "P2" camcorder and a P2 card should you already have, or indeed the whole funzen Effects not varispeed, Full HD, 720/50p ect.
Viele Grüße Jürgen F.
Antwort von Chezus:

But is the hefty ding ... did yesterday with the filmed. (ie for the type, in contrast to the Sony models)
What is the direct competitor to hvx-200? The HD models of Sony? With the HD models I've yet too little busy. So yesterday I was a little overwhelmed synonymous with all the modes.
The 720/50p mode would have irritated me, but without a P2 card probably not possible
Antwort von PowerMac:

You've filmed on MiniDV? The camera will not be without HD.
Antwort von Chezus:

I did not let me out, just probegefilmt s.der Uni. The P2 card was not there and I wanted to 720/50p material (I would have filmed it can) happy times tried. Is not the last time that I think is in the hands.
What do you think of the Camera?
Antwort von PowerMac:

I'm going to get them to purchase a few. I like the picture and the adjustable parameters and the handling. Comparison with the previous much too heavy and too large. With the hard disk recorder and essential five or six kilos and unsuitable for documentaries. I have 2004, a documentary about New Zealand made with the DVX. When I think s.solche purposes, I am almost sad, because I like the Picture of the HVX / DVX cameras much. I think the colors beautiful, soft, slightly faded as 16mm sometimes, the Durchzeichnung of brown and red clays is ideal for landscapes ... and a great handling as it is of the Great accustomed. V. Optics s.definitiv the best of all HDV / DV Henkel Men - mechanically coupled Optics, tolles Picture ...
For short films or music is great, unfortunately for documentaries and reportages no longer the case. Schade.
Antwort von Chezus:

The settings I was quite impressed as I am in the menu a little gezappt hab. Was easily overwhelmed ... but it is synonymous understandable when only about 1 hour of time has ...
My next camera purchase will be carefully considered and the Hvx falls as ever in the shortlist.
I was really bad but hefty. As you already said, for reports or to simply hand the film is not as suitable as the DVX or reproducibility cams.
Moreover, the processing of me not as promised. Robust she does not exactly
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is, however. Even the most robust in their class. The only shortcoming is the battery holder.
Antwort von Chezus:

Why? Because of the adverse situation?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Well yes the batteries are made purely rear side. Look at the bracket times exactly which Batteries are quasi yes. These plastic tab breaks from happy times, so be careful and clean out with the Battery.
Antwort von Chezus:

Do I still try next. The battery holder was unusual to me before, but that is unstable ... Do I at times precisely hinschaun next.
What bothers me also are not entirely approve P2 cards. Without the need to hvx yes apparently did not buy it. Holt Panasonic probably because the low price of the camera purely on the cards ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Whether this actually is, is debatable. At least, the rather expensive. Soon the 8er replaced by the 16er. The 8 GB card will be a lot cheaper. With scenic film may simply synonymous notebook via firewire excuse. Direct recording into Final Cut, for example. Synonymous Remember that your current editing system (PP2 if I really know), this camera is not supported natively. DVCProHD with enlargement is possible, but MXF with variable frame rates, direct Firewire recording etc. are not.
Antwort von Chezus:

No, it is not yet supported. Do me so but still not right because I employed the camera so only since yesterday really put under the microscope hab.
Bothers me not just that they (the P2 cards) are so expensive but for the price so low on memory (for HD material).
Wg. Premiere: am very happy with it, but I am about whether I am in the course of the year (which, however, decide the order) is not on a MacPro and thus FinalCut transfers. Most with whom I've maintained the cut with Final Cut, are quite satisfied and annoying me eternal abkacken my computer. If yes Apple mostly unknown ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

Then I do the same kind;)
If you are interested in a switch, I can perhaps help you. I know me a little.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

"... I am disturbed not only that they (the P2 cards) are so expensive but for the price so low on memory (for HD material)."
Thou shalt not take the cards are not synonymous in the cupboard, but equally leersaugen - a backup to produce naturally controlled.
Second, consider the P2 cards not only 4x 2Gb but synonymous hide a control and a lot of hidden technology. (And I think up to 100,000 times to use - guaranteed)
Backup media is cheap has become. I use an external 300 GB disk as a mobile backup. So about 40 x P2 cards in HD.
A DVCHD tape costs for 33min about 40 - ¬. So, somehow the story pays off with prolonged use. One must just get used to it no more tapes to be archived but hard (or DLT or BRDisc or ....)
An alternative is the Fire's goals with 100GB. Unfortunately, there is not yet the new software to the Vari-frame-rate support. Wait.
However, I think it is synonymous with expensive.
Viele Grüße Jürgen F.
Antwort von PowerMac:

A DCVPRO (HD) tape Fuji / Panasonic for 64 minutes will cost 38/39 euros.
For reasonable one has to work two, three 16 GB P2 media. We would have four 8 GB P2 just okay. But the constant Offloaderei every eight minutes on the laptop is definitely shit. 8 GB range for eight minutes in DVCProHD 1080i. You might get two P2 simultaneously inside and make durchfilmen, but this presupposes that somebody nothing better to do than P2s on the calculator to draw.
For me it will probably be that we have some 500 GB disks (firewire 800/S-ATA) have to buy every month. So just under 200 euros for 500 minutes DVCProHD. Or just a new 1 TB hard drive for 450 euros then probably. It therefore needs either a Fire Tore disk recorder on the s.Stück maximum of 100 minutes of "volatile", the current material being cached, or you are constantly changing P2s. Bad when the world goes down and you load grad but the substance of his hard-recorder to the computer. And at 100 Gb takes a very long time. The archive is then with 200 euros for 500 minutes rather favorable. Then there is just no more tapes on the shelf, but sometime Firewire 100 or S-ATA disks in the cabinet. This should, on average, depending on the volume of production is cheaper than the old tape be. And faster. Who really has a lot of money, may be synonymous with a XServe Raid buy some TB, especially since that synonymous neatly brings speed.
Antwort von Markus:
[sony] What is actually the direct competitor to hvx-200? Sony Does not directly comparable competitor model. Either you're still with HDV in the consumer area, or with XDCAM HD shoulder-cameras in the professional sector. The intermediate one thing missing quasi HVX200, which is a XDCAM HD camcorder, the Midiformat (so called this design) comes along.
What bothers me also are not entirely approve P2 cards. That's true. This really helps the docking hard drive (due to the recording time). Without which I would not consider a HVX200 purchase.
Thou shalt not take the cards are not synonymous in the cupboard, but equally leersaugen ... That is one thing: If the data is equal to the original recording somewhere moves and involved - as we usually only later finds - something wrong, then there is the original recording no longer view the data once more to fetch. (Remember you still s.die question a few weeks / months where exactly this case had occurred?)
Antwort von Chezus:

This comes even! Files are rapidly lost, or are easily erased. With a MiniDV tape goes although synonymous, but not so easy (you can interpret how you want, just is).
1 GB per minute is not enough space on a hard drive. Many are already in DV aback when they 1 hours with 13 gigabytes on the disk.
Imagine that you filmed a concert / theater / event / orchestra what I know ... then the HVX if you simply impractical with the full resolution movies will. Unfortunately
A 10-pack MiniDV cassettes are also bought and taken away. The same length film in HD quality on the hvx needs far more money and logistics. That is exactly what me off and I still prefer to stay in DV. So beautiful the pictures are synonymous
At PowerMac:
Since when do you work with Apple? Have you the change of Windows to Apple in any way difficult? I must say that quite honestly that I have wicked problems with my computer, my brother likes to attack back, because he kaufmann IT and the computer is already in and knows. He gave me in any case the Council: überlegs thee well, because if something arises where you no longer weiterweißt can I help you may not.
That is one item has held me to buy a Mac and the other point is the hardware in general. Costs and become more easily available, the same processors with Microsoft as synonymous with Apple.
... Advantages disadvantages ... the MacUser swear at their computers to Windows users curse Windows, but would not go away.
Hm ..
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Thou shalt not take the cards are not synonymous in the cupboard, but equally leersaugen That is the theory, but if you practice every eight minutes, the card would have to change, then that is depending on the Project and rotary conditions either do not or only with additional effort to deal with - especially since this "Leersaugen" then to my knowledge still synonymous lasts longer than eight minutes. Since I have just re-saving on XDCAM HD ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) "Leersaugen" then to my knowledge still synonymous lasts significantly longer than eight minutes. (...) May be three-25 minutes;) Depending on the configuration.
Antwort von hyneck:

[quote] Can three 25 minutes;) Depending on the configuration.
This assertion is not war! I use 2x4 gig P2 cards. Unloading the cards I have a VAIO (1.8 Ghz Zentrino) notebook to an external 2,5 inch 80 gig. Rotates the plate 5600 and its Strohmversorgung via a second USB port s.Notebook erhält.Um a full 4 gig P2. Map to unload, this configuration requires 2.45 min And incidentally, I had never seen a loss of data in such an operation! (Approximately 12 hours the material has been transferred)
This cam is also in film and advertising s.besten Repealed! First, it generates a very film-like picture, depending on the setup of course), and on the other hand, arise in such shoots are then inevitably breaks for unloading purposes.
Greeting: Walter
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is so beautiful, to quote himself: "(...) Depending on the configuration (...)"
Nothing else I said.
Antwort von Luis1906:

Yes you are right. But for all those interested s.dem issue I have here synonymous nor the shorter end of the possibilities.
Greeting: Walter
Antwort von CanonFanTom:
Well yes the batteries are made purely rear side. Look at the bracket times exactly which Batteries are quasi yes. These plastic tab breaks from happy times, so be careful inside and out with the Battery. Hello,
the battery holder can guarantee in panasonic Boadcast
be changed.
It is part of a new housing with mounted holding noses.
Gruss Frank
Antwort von PowerMac:

Very nice. I knew not.
Antwort von c-r-u-x:

You have found a
HVX200 for only 249 Euro! ;)
Antwort von adel:

hvx 200 has no full HD.nur for info. and only 50p
PMW-EX1 is a full HD Kams with 1 / 2 duty chip.60p / 24p = 2.5 fold lupe time.