Frage von Der Imitator:Hello,
I'm just before the purchase decision of a new HDV camcorder and I will probably purchase the Panasonic HVX200. Since the HVX quite some time on the market, I wanted to ask you whether you anything about a successor model of the HVX200 is known?
If so and in the foreseeable future, then I would probably have to wait.
thank you.
(Sorry Wolf, that I had to copy your thread, but has offered:)
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
The HVX200 is not HDV Camera Klugscheißer *... ...*
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... something about a successor model to the HVX200 know ... On the verge of a product presentation two months ago was of Panasonic Broadcast to learn that the successor to the HVX200 in 2008 on the market and not a MiniDV drive more should have. I know unfortunately not synonymous.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von hergerger:
bernd e. danke, but I can hope for real hd when henkel pan `s group including new AVCHD codec with 50mbps up?
gruß kroky