Frage von wontuwontu:Wanted to just ask around, if someone with experience and the core has one Hackintosh) i7 (extremes.
I am superior to me instead of an MP (for cost reasons) building a state of Hackintosh. Need it mainly for Final Cut Pro, After Effects, PFTrack and C4D. In business, I have Mac Pros, which are private to me but right now too expensive.
Would appreciate opinions on ...
Antwort von joey23:
In a workhorse I would not take the risk of not being able to continue working at some point because of an update.
Otherwise gibts to appropriate forums (where these "solutions" I would say fits better trade-offs) are discussed. I have a mac just because I just DO NOT feel like tinkering and such request was blowing .. ;)
Otherwise, as the i7 installed in the iMac is indeed synonymous of Apple, which should be purely Prozessortechnisch no problem. Interesting wirds since the motherboard. If all components are to be like the MP is synonymous expensive.
Maybe an iMac? Or a Mac Mini?