Frage von mkrawietz:
High definition established itself as an international production standard. Has long since proven the HD technology in numerous movies, TV and commercials. HD offers many advantages in the entire production process but it is synonymous the pitfalls of any new technology. The goal of the "Hands on HD" workshops is to teach the processes of change in the film and TV production technology and to enable the actors in a position to make their decision for or against the HD technology deliberately, ie with the space necessary technical to take know-how. "> Date: 29 July - 04 August 2006
Duration: Hands On Area 6 days (29.07. To 04.08.)
Hands Off the field 2 days (31.07. To 01.08.)
Location: ExpWal, ExpGelände Hanover
The lecturers
" Hendrik Vogt - Operational Trainer, tape Pro Munich
" Thomas Bresinsky - cameraman bvk
" Michael Radeck - HD Post Production Specialist, editor bfs, Videocation
" Martin Kreitl - HD Post Production Specialist, MK-Media
" Prof. Uli Plank - HD Post Production College of Fine Arts in Braunschweig
" As well as approximately 25 more HD renowned specialists, including
Philippe Ros
Participant Profile
The workshop is aimed s.alle sections, the joint training and cooperation prerequisite for a successful high-production: camera operators, camera assistants, Digital Image Technicians, editors and post-production) (for the Hands On area, directors and producers, decision makers and technical buyers of studios and broadcasters (for the Hands Off the field).
The program
EinführungFachübergreifendes basic knowledge about all aspects of HD production and HD post production, reporting experience with HD productions. The format vorprodzierte comparison shows the differences between the technologies.
Schulungin small groups s.vorhandenen HD equipment. Cinematographers and camera assistants receive an Operational Training s.den HD cameras:
" HDV " Thomson Grass Valley Viper
" Sony HDW-F900 " Panasonic DVC PRO HD
" SONY HDW-750P/PC " ARRI D20 (tbc)
" Instrumentation " Audio acquisition
" Grip crane / Dollytechnik
Post Production Technician will be made with off-and HD-trusted online editing suites, and the optimum workflow:
" Avid Nitris " Quantel eQ i +
" Sony NLE editing systems " Apple Final Cut
" DVS Clipster
Filming in HD will be the basis of certain tasks) of the camera crews in various scenes built-out sets rotated (eg creation of set-ups for different lighting situations. These recordings are cut off of post-production teams, completed in HD online and then together with farbbestimmt the camera crews. The result is checked using an HD projection in hauseignen movies.
RahmenprogrammUm demonstrate what is possible with HD, will be held every evening in the Movies hauseignen a framework will come to the next to the workshop participants synonymous invited guests from media and politics. Here are exemplary and pioneering HD productions shown both in 2K as synonymous in 4K projection. On 1 August there is also a high-profile evening talk show relating to "Digital is better? HD in practice "in ExpCafe in Hanover.
In numerous lectures and seminars to address the participants with the latest acquisition and post-production technology, and acquisition-and post-production devices in an HD production. The faculty team consists of experienced and internationally recognized experts in high definition scene. For the "Hands on" participants from the fields of Camera and post production are planned up to 12 instrument-specific groups, thus ensuring an optimal orientation to the respective main subject. The workshop participants will be divided into operational trainings for the various camera systems as well as in the master class for advanced students. In the individual groups Basics topics such as menu structure, color correction or contrast behavior, knowledge compression, color matrix as synonymous decidedly high-and low key Optimization in Theory and Practice beha
Antwort von PowerMac:

sounds great!
Antwort von mkrawietz: