Frage von ernst153:
when it comes to editing HD synonymous to the hard drive speed?
7200 or 5400 or 4200 rpm
SonyVayo 31M has unfortunately only 4200 rpm, 2.4 Gh processor can thus Primiere Cut Pro HD with 2?
Herzl.Grüße ernst153
Antwort von domain:

No it's not the point, as far as the data transfer speed, since even many external USB 2.0 hard disks, which are about ten times faster than we need.
Antwort von tommyb:

Yes, but only as a function of the bit rate used in the material. That is, an HDV 1080i stream with 25 Mbit / s requires approximately (4MB per second; may include overhead) to be read fluently.
At 100 Mbit DVCPro HD, it must already 15MB. One uses an intermediate codec zwischencodiert of the whole with 250 Mbit ", then it must already be 35 to 40 MB for the.
Create modern 3.5 "hard disks with U 7200 min / SATA over 60 to 100 MB, provided they are not fragmented and are accessed only on a single file. So when I simultaneously on five files gets hit (; and it was only HDV) I can synonymous modern force plate in this manner and way in the knee.
Best solution would be an external disk with eSata connection and maybe a RAID 0 (; but which is NOT secure and in which a single disk failure kills all data).
Antwort von ernst153:

Thanks for the quick responses
I would not necessarily use an external hard drive, my only question was whether 4200 turns enough to cut Hd videos from the tape of the Canon HV 20th
Greetings Ernst153
Antwort von tommyb:

As I said: It depends on the speed of the plate. Spontaneous from 4200 says nothing about whether the internal use provides the connection speed.
Loading the program HDTune you down and make time to test. Then you see exactly how the whole run.
Antwort von flaggflaggflagg:

Now I'm a bit confused!
The hard drive speed is already important.
For example, if you turn with a 7200 hard drive ... the data source on the same disk have to be rendered, as rendering the file is twice as long as needed, for example, if you had a second disk (, so the goal on a second record is stored).
Also recommended, for example, Edius NEO 7200 at least one plate!
" ATA100/7200 RPM or faster hard drive (; RAID 0 is required for HD-DV editing)
Natural alternative would be an SSD (; are still sauteuer). Or perhaps Raid 0 But then you have double Aufallrisiko ... So when a disk gives up the ghost data is probably gone.
But since one of his records has a backup anyway (should have;) ... would be the "no preference".
But for a laptop, I would prefer the SSD version.
Please correct if I've told somewhere crap. I like to learn more ...
Antwort von tommyb:

No, at least the first part is true. The speed of rendering can be halved, in fact, if one uses for the raw material of a plate and at the same time to write.
The problem may also occur only when the processor is immensely fast. Ie, it would render the data more quickly than he can write, read it /. This is usually just at HD and when rendering. not the case unless you have (specific hardware, such as a USB stick accelerates the rendering process, or using GPU acceleration).
A fast hard drive is then definitely of distress when one with very large, little compressed files works (: see my first posting).
Antwort von ernst153:

I thought to try it for yourself and have bought SonyVGN-FW 31 M. So far, only used to remove it took some time until the sch-öne Vista was in some sort, is so much different from those who seek shall find.
unfortunately I could not cut the HDV Primiere per 2 only wants of the Canon hv20 hdv dv material when it strikes, the recorder should be reset, sometimes bordering on the device control but not the recording, fight a few days with all sorts of advice on provided there is no problem elements 4 Primiere's going hdv
In Device Manager, the camera can only Pro2 is not synonymous with HDV wants even though everything is set correctly compared with my old desktop and laptop, where it is synonymous with no Maken
Greetings s.alle compassionate