Frage von Felix F:
Did I import a Quicktime footage with audio (aiff) in AU.
In the footage window, I can audition the audio file by doppelkliken yet. But now when I pull into the timeline at activer track, I hear nothing more synonymous and do not see any waveform in the preview window??
Just behaves AE 6.0 (Mac) with mp3 files.
Can someone help me out of this mess?
lg g
Antwort von Jörg:

lack of sound synonymous to the RAM preview?
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Felix F:

After the RAM preview, he no longer missing.
Thanks for the help.
The problem which still remains the question of how do I vote Effects, motion, zoom, and the like on the sound if I did not cut in the timeline such as when the final is the sharp and deep sounds can see or hear?
'm Still beginner, gibts ne synonymous Perhaps this simple explanation.
Thank schonmal
Antwort von Jörg:

If you expandierst the audio track using the small arrow, after that
waveform doing the same thing with the beautiful track in pretending Height .....
otherwise assists the Beginners, the excellent documentation of the program with his thick booklet, or the F1 function. As you'll very often find help.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Felix F:

This has worked synonymous. Vielen lieben dank.
I am almost embarrassed to ask but I'll try again.
When I navigate hold down the apple button with the cursor through the timeline, I should still hear the sound LIVE!
For me, however, is AE error: opening a component tones (-2166) (10 § 44)
Have searched in the preferences but found nothing.
As with the previous problems will help me my book is not beginner-seminar next F1 and unfortunately not synonymous.
Thank schonmal
Antwort von Conny:

Hello Joerg!
So I have a rendered file into aae imported.
Got the RAM starts Vorscheu.
Unfortunately, it is not a TON.
there is what might be down?
Antwort von Jörg:

there is what might be down? Hi,
well, is pretty hard to detect from a distance:)) If during the passage to the RAM preview is no sound check whether the speaker icon selected in the timeline ist.Welches format has rendered the clip and the audio? The OK and if the hardware is enabled (ext.sound?) Times I sit at voraus.Ist expanded audio track eien waveform to see?
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von ponlur:

Hello Joerg!
I do not know what it was, but now runs ton synonymous .....
Problem solved. Super.Danke.