Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Heimlich, still and quiet: new Mac mini? Of rudi - 28 Sep 2005 13:17:00 Anyone who buys a new Mac mini should rather look closely, what he finds in his crate. According to several reports on the web, Apple has made a secret update. How could some buyers of a 1.25 GHz model with a 1.33GHz processor and a few happy-1.42 GHz boxes had already built a 1.5 Ghz processor. In addition, some models now support even sneak the new Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR standard. In addition, the memory was the graphics card to 64 MB. Unfortunately, the graphics chip is still the Radeon 9200 so as motion due to the lack of Core Image routines do not run smoothly.
The only question, how to recognize the new models? Unfortunately, after the box and claim it has not the free freebies afterwards. Because Apple wants to create once the old models from its camps before receiving the new Mac minis officially the new specifications ...
Antwort von prem:

It is worth taking time but then the way to the dealer in his confidence, rather than through the Internet Shipping. However, this raises the question then whom can you turn on because the old boxes still in good conscience? So somehow not a good idea of Apple ...
A clean, new public mini upgrade would have liked it better than this "secret" bonus. Those who today ordered a Mac Mini and learn next week that he would have a better synonymous with happiness as we can certainly not satisfied Mac customer.
Yeah, I know who live in the hardware industry needs to be with fast updates, but there are synonymous companies that clean something got done ", right?
Antwort von prem:

just got my new Mac mini, which I've ordered from the Apple Store to get Germany (officially with 1.42GHz).
And I look in the Sytemeinstellungen and look for:
- Processor: 1.5 GHz
Moreover, even with 64MB instead of 32MB of memory for the graphics card and a few more things ... Renewed
Antwort von Blauermann:

It gets even fatter:
One arm around the Intel chip?