Frage von phogel:
Hi folks,
I'm the total loss in the person, if by movie codecs and audio format or goes! That is why I am with my problems! (.. jaaaaa. majority!: () s.euch!
I have about 5 hours of video with a DV camera and is now included with the tool of Sony Vegas on my plate pulled! The individual videos are considered. Avi and saved approximately 4Gb / 2o min big!
Have a layman of course I do not think much about it which makes it s.Ende rendering problems and could easily the opinions starting with the film editing with Vegas!
nice and good, the film is now completed in the timeline (about 60min) but must now be the most "small" file on the disk ...
And now listen to me! "What settings should I make when rendering so that no file is 9GB?, Is it possible ne small file with good quality even though I shut with huge avis worked! If not how do I get the Avis small? Which format would make sense?"
Bin Bissière s.verzweifeln on the Internet because I do not really think about this topic!
If I forgot something to mention, or something of the distress is not addressed now, I'm note!
I'm grateful for any help!
gruß David
Antwort von Marco:

What bothers you s.der 9 GB file size? This is for a high quality PAL video no particular size. In many areas, working with files whose data rate is three to five times higher.
Do you have a particular use, the file that you necessarily want to make even smaller? Then use the export as WMV format.
Antwort von phogel:

So yes the whole video is a recreation and should, if possible, on ne fit DVD!
Habs just barely with WMV tried that and I hope the times will be small enough to fit DVD ne.
Or there are other possibilities?
gruß david
Antwort von Marco:

If it is intended for a DVD, then render the video as MPEG-2 with the DVD production provided template. Then the sound as AC3 with the appropriate template. The importierst thou then into DVD Architect and make it a video DVD.
More detailed descriptions of how to proceed should be provided (which is synonymous Render settings are) you'll find in the tutorial area of