Frage von hreinke:Hi,
in two days I have with my new Sony RPG record and watch on the projector can on a laptop would be synonymous beautiful. Laptop has no firewire and only have access to a PCI Express card, was already at Conrad, which could not synonymous me helfen.Da I no external micro can connect s.die Sony, the sound must be optimally across. I have an Acer projector and a TOSHIBA Satellite.
What can I do so in two days I am not totally blamiere? It should simply work! Thank you for any tip
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Your Sonyhat surely an analog video output, so that the video material may be synonymous s.Television view. And you should probably synonymous Beamer an analog video input. So with input output link, input selector switch s.Beamer correctly select and off you go.
If you want to cut the material beforehand, then play the film cut back on the Camera. Then it again next as above.
Antwort von hreinke:
10000 thanks, I try it out