Frage von sandro999:
A couple of statues of the HPX301E.
Here you can see well the noise variations of the individual gain stages. During the day, followed by still images and 720p AVC-Intra to hire a short video.
click here for 1080 50i Demo Pictures click here for more 720p and 1080 50i Demo Pictures click here for short film 1080 50i runtergerechnet on H.246 The settings are:
Detail Level -2
V Detail Level -2
Detailcoring -5
Chroma Phase 0
Chroma Level 0
Color Temp ACH 0
Master PED +10
A. Iris Level 0
DRS Effect 3
Gamma HD standard (; HD or CL)
Knee Low (; Mid)
Matrix Norm1 (; N1 or CL)
Skin Tone DTL ON (; Off)
V Detail Freq THIN
Antwort von Maze:

And beautiful the Oldenburg Ikea as a motive.