Frage von flo007:
Servus Leute! I'm not sure if I used a
Hi8 camera to buy semi-occasional shooting was an inexpensive
MiniDV or
Cam (my money is not so great grad ..). Who of you has experience with Hi8 and what are the reasons not to opt for the analog version? Thank you for your answers! Your Flo
Antwort von Feuerwehr-Fan:

hi flo
hi8 I would never buy because the quality is bad and just the whole "old" is.
I advise you on this.
if you something semi professional basis on mini-dv like, I can buy you a camera to recommend any occasion.
Greeting Fire Fan
Antwort von flo007:

Servus Fire fan! Thanks for your quick response! What do you understand under
"occasion-camera"? If it is a type designation, which company, www.? Thanks and greetings! Flo
Antwort von wernergabriel:

occasion is not Swiss German, and is used for?
Antwort von flo007:

I think: Anglicisms're the purest BULLSHIT. :-)
Antwort von wernergabriel:

Anglicisms're the purest BULLSHIT. :-)
exactly - Sonnets synonymous:
To your question:
Hi8 is technology of yesterday. DV offers much better picture-and sound quality and can be provided a PC-vhd. -cut is easy and inexpensive and reproduce (DVD).
Needed to purchase a camcorder that requires only techn. Knowledge and clarity about the needs of prop-synonymous, of course a certain risk. Without having tried the thing, I would not buy.
Antwort von Feuerwehr-Fan:

jap, Swiss, and am just saying occasion so ...
I bought half a year, a sony pd 150 of occasion, and it runs at best.
synonymous test before she could place, on ebay and co. I would never buy anything.
Greeting Fire Fan
Antwort von ULY:

I need you most synonymous with the MiniDV variant guess. At least in terms of quality.
I myself until recently filmed with SonyV6000E ner.
I guess that you mean something like that when you of "Semi-professional Hi8 Camera" talk.
I have a picture then over nen analog-digital converter captured.
But when I realized then that makes the cheap miniDC Cam nem friend of Schaefer and much clearer picture then I started to think of it another go.
The reason for the purchase of V6000E was the professional handling with "real" zoom and focus (reißzooms). In addition, the 1 / 2 CCD.
The Picture was directly from the camera into the PC synonymous quite well, (for a 10-year-old Cam)
However, if you make a detour via the Hi8 tape, everything will Ziehmlich blurred, and faded, and, unfortunately, falls against MiniDV Ziehmlich clearly.
And the best handling of little use if not s.end the Picture is recyclable. Moreover, the the thing that literally eats Batteries (Batteries new fully charged up to 15-20 minutes)
Moreover, the thing is Ziehmlich huge, and no rotation for spontaneous mobility.
Now I save money on ne VX2100 or search ncoh alternative.
Is synonymous So if you do not want to be a cameraman, and the handling of a shoulder mounted camcorders train I want to advise you only to MiniDV.
/ / the fact that it still "is a new" Hi8 cameras is actually ne frechheit.
Antwort von flo007:

Thank you for your detailed reply, ULY! An "SonyV6000E" or similar, I would have thought synonymous. Yes I'm still a MV400 MiniDv home, however, had been problems with the cursed 2x drive. But this is not the last money invested ... Regards, Flo