Frage von kcl198:
I wanted to out my Hi8 movies on my PC and then drag to DVD burn.
Unfortunately, my camera has long been broken. What possibilities there are, the films on PC and then to play DVD?
Antwort von StefanS:

Please enter in the advanced search once the terms Hi8 and DVD, as a result you will get 8 pages, while already on the first Page about 4-5 times for something you should be there.
Work through that please and if you then have a specific question to you, and you imagine they should be helped.
Antwort von Der Die Das:

Have I told you durchgeguckt. But until now no one had the problem that the camera was broken.
Antwort von Markus:

Without a player, the possibilities, Hi8 recording digitizer, very limited. Look here, what of them possibly still in question:
Five ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer
Antwort von StefanS:
Have I told you durchgeguckt. But until now no one had the problem that the camera was broken. Then help either (borrowed or bought second-hand, such as Ebay) a D8 of Sony, the synonymous Hi8 tapes even already digitized s.der = Firewire = IEEE 1394 iLink interface available or used purchased / borrowed Hi8 Camera or used purchased / borrowed Hi8 VCR or if the number of tapes is not too large, the digitization by someone else to do, the appropriate equipment (still) has.
Another option I see is not realistic.
Antwort von Erich:

I recommend a Hi8 camcorder to friends to borrow.
I had a recorder on eBay auction that was not defective. Could undo everything. Had significant circumstances. Of course you can be lucky synonymous.
In my friend circle, unfortunately, no one had a functioning Hi8 camcorder.
I have then 199 ¬ for the cheapest, bought new Hi8 camcorder that I could find. Unfortunately, the sound only in mono - but that does not bother next (see below).
For the digitization, I use the ADVC110. The result is useful. In so-good quality, I had my old Hi8 recordings have never seen.
If you promise in return, an old Hi8 tape to DVD the loan transfer, is the willingness of the good pieces to lend certainly larger.
At my old camcorder was the suspension of the microphone torn. The Microphone was wrong on Page. There was no sound stereo anyway. I hope that the stereo in Hi8 mono compatible. I have in the network, unfortunately, no information is found.