Frage von heinavesi:Hello:
On my shotgun type Rode NTG-1, there is a mini-switch, with which one a so-called "high pass filter enable" can. Since I installed this Rictmikro as micro-camera on my DSR-570 have here ask the question:
The Micro Takes (; as Atmo) it constantly to whatever is happening in front of the camera - synonymous with wind and rain. Is it advisable to this "high pass filter" always on "on reserve" position? Or is influenced by the sound negative?
Thanks s.jeden who knows what about this!
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
A "high pass filter can be" high (; (high pass) frequencies; pass), and the low frequencies from sinking. This is useful in situations which are dominated sonorous sounds that people want to stay away from the useful signal. Otherwise would have (one, a dowry for the center-signal) too quiet to avoid distortion.
If you draw with switched high pass filter (but in all situations; synonymous to sound better), a beautiful full voice might be too thin.
So ... to learn to deal with the roads Tools. See the manual, read books or Internet sites relating to "microphones" ... for such a high pass filter is not the only thing you can do with a microphone to improve possibly a recording to. No sound situation is like another.
If you want to have no wind on the recording (, so the cracking, rattling wind noise at defenseless mics), then the high-pass does not help very much. There has fur her.
If you do not want to rain on the recording, then the only use is very high pass anything because the rain're more settled in the upper frequency range.
To get the recording on what you want draufhaben synonymous, it is a good idea to remove the microphone of the camera mount and positioned wherever it makes sense ... near the sound source and addressed. "Mirko on Camera" is in 99% of cases, exactly the wrong position.
Antwort von Pianist:
Is it advisable to this "high pass filter" always on "on reserve" position? Of hanging from the cutoff frequency. You should do some test shots in typical situations for you and listen to you like this then. In a s.The Camera Microphone criticized times but I would say quite flat, that it is better to let the filter always active, because at the bottom anyway, many problematic sound components are present, thereby hiding it.
If the filter but attaches too high, the signal is too thin to test, therefore, important detail.
Matthias (and the "of-or the" discussion I screw me)
Antwort von WideScreen:
I have made with my HPX301 with the NTG1 because of the camera, it probably is fairly well isolated, and against wind noise, I have a Windfell.
And for the surreptitious Michel: It is a ATMOMIKROFON which is not held directly s.The sound source, but it must catch the ATMO. For interviews to use an additional Mirko, which one depends directly on the sound source and manual Pegelt synonymous (or at least levels should).
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
I did not understand the spirit, probably because I rarely if ever a club atmosphere for use, but primarily kidneys. In a Atmoaufnahme is the "atmosphere" of the main characters for the Atmomikrofon ... as synonymous is always such a nature sound. Thus, I set up the Micro my choice accordingly in order to remove the atmosphere wise. Again, the position for the Atmomikro on the camera is almost never appropriate. But certainly not with a club. Because then you have more (from the useful signal, only to be weak, because too far away) and a scantily-sounding room share, if any.
Synonymous, but I concede that it is common practice to use the micro-camera. Because a good microphone setup in terms of a sophisticated sound mixing means extra work, and often no time / no sympathy for the team's / entity exists.
Antwort von Jitter:
Back to the high pass filter. I'm assuming that the NT G2 not unlike the NT G1 is designed. When it is activated, it cuts the low frequencies only mild. Useful when recording in the stage area, as the rumble can be weakened such a thing. The sound image changed only slightly, on the sensitivity of the filter has no audible effect.
Antwort von heinavesi:
Hi jitter,
thank you !!!!!!!!!!
That's what I really wanted to know, when I posed the question!