Frage von nikolaus-online:
Good day, ladies and gentlemen!
I have yesterday (I have Die Hard 4.0 geguckt) asked what software with these many great PC-programmable panels, all so incredibly spacy and cool, but every programmer in manic laughter can erupt.
I find it really telling that in even the most terrible situations (we take the example: Space shuttle crashes s.and threatened in the white house suit) someone has a colorful graphic gebastelt has, in a stylized shuttle can be seen that in a stylized white house and threatened suit is the way it is zurücklegt observed. Astray. Such nerves I want as a graphic designer of the FBI are synonymous.
Antwort von camworks:

No one wants to see reality. which is mostly just boring and nothing makes optical ago. people go to the cinema to be entertained!
Antwort von kaloku:

The catastrophe approaching the illustrative graphics are ridiculous, but quite often spannungssteigernd and an alternative to the otherwise far too many counter-cut slices.
For example, from the cockpit of the plane crashing näherkommendem always on view from the city on the plane coming ever closer and the picture again and again the man of God-the perspective taken soon sees objects - ie those sequences, where the time to impact more and more slowly seems to pass, even less to be stretched into infinity, and the action between the increasingly rapid cuts and is wedged against cuts and the final zustrebt - a high voltage then the maximum long augekostet is, until then
s.die disaster happens or
b) straight again dispelled
synonymous and then finally the beautiful 80-Computerspielmässig illustrated by computer graphics :-)
Antwort von Axel:

Die Hard 4 will be synonymous data on all accounts a very reliable backup server transfers when the WWW collapse is imminent. This has allowed the baddie apart. The calculator is from space to detect because it requires two huge cooling towers to ensure that processors do not run hot ...
Hey, who says that the latest technology is used? If the status quo of all international movements ever exceed the Gigabytebereich?
Maybe not, but in many older buildings are administration of server systems 15 years ago, in which 5 tonnes of hardware in accordance with 10 MB of space, and where the floppy discs rumgereicht, because the network with a long Excel file comes up a sweat, and because of the about a million times smarter USB stick just in the office of the Chief finds a connection (a
bit exaggerated, as in the other direction).
If something in a movie brings the
Wheel seeehr slowly.
Antwort von nikolaus-online:

I was so completely synonymous in order, is just ridiculous, if you want to respect it.
Jau, with the parallel assembly (crash interiors Tower, crash Totale, Tower) I find extremely exciting and synonymous because you need halt what, where the Tower drauf rigid. : ")
But it is quite funny, it seems that some designers are, then during the exceptional situation so a nice little vector collage tinkers ... : ")
I think because s.Independence Day, where even the absolutely unexpected fact that the mother ship suddenly an anti-missile shield for use in preparation of a graphic animation is taken into account. Since then I've always thought: it's your only your emergency graphic should ask who would have known ...
... and, now one knows what the on-screen animations in Die Hard are made?
Antwort von Markus:

I have apparently too much to do with computers had before I started with the video. The cliché of