Frage von Tornado:
vll anyone knows how to make s.effektivsten slbstgedrehte Videos Home Video quality
can screw up on cinema level? I use the editing software Adobe Premiere Pro.
Thank you.
Antwort von Wiro:

Antwort von Peter S.:

If you want the so-called film look miss your videos: See under MFG Peter
Antwort von Stefan:

Since there are only a few "low budget" products have brought honor, seems the surest way to be as follows:
Get involved for your next vacation
Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie
Sean Connery
and 8 - 10 other well-known performer.
In addition, you will have about 50 - need 100 extras, the other created by cloning the computer.
Representative Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.
A production team a point, which is the minor details, such as locations, filming permits, equipment, care kit, etc., as you will for noZeit.
Contact Mrs. Rowling, Dir 8 Part of Harry Potter to write and sell the exclusive film rights for it.
etc. etc.
What I almost forgot:
Before you begin, go to the bank of your confidence and lend you about 80 - 100 million ¬.
Ah yes, the most important:
Sell Premiere Pro on ebay and add the proceeds to your equity of about 20 - add 50 million euros and lease instead a fit for cinema editing software.
Antwort von Frank:

: Hi,
: Vll anyone knows how to make s.effektivsten slbstgedrehte Videos Home Video quality
: Can screw up on cinema level? I use the editing software Adobe Premiere Pro.
: Thank you.
If it were that easy we would all earn our money in Hollywood.
Easiest way! Your Schnittprog. 100% beherschen and creativity.
More need not. But for your question, I consider there.
Antwort von Martin D. Bartsch:

: Vll anyone knows how to make s.effektivsten slbstgedrehte Videos Home Video quality
: Can screw up on cinema level? I use the editing software Adobe Premiere Pro.
What do you mean by cinema level? Technical quality or content quality?
Antwort von J:

: ;-)))
Do not laugh!
Had synonymous nobody thought that my uncle Alfonso for his epic five-hour vacation in Cannes last year, would win the grand price of the jury!
And, inexplicably, he has won it will not synonymous ...
Antwort von AndyZZ:

: Pooh, horny forum with great people.
: S.Peter oh yeah, thanks, but have been in another forum
: Get an exhaustive and helpful response.
Write a comment. Is perhaps synonymous interest to others ...
Antwort von Tornado:

Pooh, horny forum with great people.
oh yeah, thanks s.Peter have, but in another forum
an exhaustive and helpful reply received.
Antwort von J:

: Since there are only a few "low budget" products have brought honor, it seems that
: Safest way to be this: Get involved for your next vacation
Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie
Sean Connery
: And 8 - 10 other well-known performer.
Do you have the address of the Brad Jolie Jean Connery or this?
Sorry, I'll try first with the "Search" function ...