Frage von UlmsSkyliner:![](
I've been logged in today and I must say
cooles forum!
Can I use this effect, that the background is white after aufblitzt do?
I use Adobe Premiere 6.0
Or do I need to After Effects or another program?
Can someone help me, because I am still a layman.
Here is the link to the video:
Antwort von Pianist:
I've been logged in today and I must say
cooles forum! You understand what exactly constitutes a "cool" forum?
Can I use this effect, that the background is white after aufblitzt do? Of course. With a strobe light.
Here is the link to the video:
I have my views exactly. When young people look at something and especially to listen to, it is no wonder that all so funny and a forum to talk then "cool" place.
Antwort von Axel:
It is, as Matthias writes for the flashes in the background a stroboscope used, no trick, then, synonymous but much - much more - with Postpro-games worked
"Cool" is the video of course, not only by his technical tricks. "Cool" is probably for you impressive, overwhelming. "After making 'means you want to impress others or just overwhelmed. To achieve this, you need to do more than Farbselektierung, brightness values keyframes or cut music (everything should be possible to APP). You need the video in relation to its impact analysis. You have to understand the key stimuli are used and why, and what they (at least for you) cause. The video must be so boring after the synonymous teaching German sounds are interpreted.
After you ie the impact of all these eye-catchers (where ever seen associated with what?) Certainly did, you will no longer
cool to say, but perhaps "cleverly done." Much more than a striking, patchwork for effect, it is not, but cleverly done.
Next, you might realize that you're now in a position, something similar (at least in front of your inner eye, the mastery of technique is again on another sheet) to imitate, but it gets boring you may happen to explore other, less conscious perception, through this whole cheap tricks
to impress or overwhelm.
Well, anyone but it must do so, the music industry wants to support through visual reinforcement not renounce.
Antwort von allgaeulady:
So I define the term "cooles forum
actually, that I like the forum and I think it's good.
I already noticed that this forum more professional than other forums.
In the future, I will express myself differently.
In the video actually flashes to the background, but for me the whole picture.
How can I change which that is not the whole picture aufblitzt but the background?
Antwort von allgaeulady:
How can I change which that is not the whole picture aufblitzt but the background? By the light you only judge on the background (no flash on the camera). Focused Lighting. Does not even with so bright Baustrahler, but rather with a variety of individually deployable floodlights and spots. See eg
Antwort von Handyvideo-Cutter:
I think he isn good boy;)
So what he says is why his White Lightning
in the post-production complete aufhellt Picture ...
from the very simple reason, because those
which have realized the video, the white flash
Site could arise. As I said, with Strobo
or other light equipment.
With NACHTRÄGLICH is da nit much to do.
To do this you would have Industrial Light Magic
in your home 4 walls. Let me guess::
Haste net?
... Otherwise harmful hätt I n order for you had: D
If you would like NEN effect between two scenes
Create want, try it out the "Additive Dissolve" transition ..
Effects kannste synonymous coool make. YO!
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:
So I managed habs just aufblitzt the background and not the whole picture!
I have a track Picture and placed it on a video where the background is green chroma key and applied it in the Picture Effect "strobe" is applied.
Works great.
Thank you told me you like the "Effect" means!
Antwort von joachino:
Can I use this effect, that the background is white after aufblitzt do? with light
Antwort von Catalyst:
I would help anyone, of such a stupefying scheiss great finds ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
I would help anyone, of such a stupefying scheiss great finds ... So's your name so synonymous host ... and thus can give us your recruitment s.Popo lang gehn.
Although about the music you may already doubt ;-)
Well synonymous with something can be "cool" to earn money ;-)