Frage von Nelli:
Hi Folks:
can someone tell me how I s.einem ¬ 600 Consumercamorder head can see how many hours he already had? Mir is already clear that there is no display there ... but maybe you can recognize s.den video heads ...
It must not be synonymous to the minute accurate. My concern is only whether the camcorder Drumm 2-3 times has been used, or to 50 hours of operation behind it.
PS: Quite obviously it would be great if I could find out when the last time he has been used.
Antwort von DV_Chris:

With consumer camcorders can usually only read the workshop. Moreover, the removal of the backup battery cause this value is reset.
Antwort von Nelli:

Could you maybe, but very roughly s.den heads to see how many times the Cam was already used? Yes pollute minds with time.
And this was strange because Baterie to 100% is not removed.
Antwort von DV_Chris:

A technician can be relatively easy to see how worn out the drive.
Antwort von Markus:

as a lay person has no chance of the condition of a drive to be assessed correctly. For example, a
new drive of a ¬ 300-Cheap camcorder from the game mechanics around it like a total abgenudelte professional MAZ. ;-)