Frage von studentenreportage:
I have the raw material on which I only have 1 track audio (interview) when I'm in a project using it is clear that only the left or the right speaker's sound. How can I do in the PP 2.0 soundtrack doubled, so what the left is virtually synonymous right play?
THX in advance
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Does the track (not familiar with Premiere Pro) no fader Panorama (Pan), with the signal which you can put the middle? I would be surprised if not.
What the manual says?
Antwort von studentenreportage:

Hm so the audio mixer window it does not work,
otherwise I do not know where I can set out on a sound effect or so ...
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Perhaps it is a yes in the program settings. There is certainly an audio window. Otherwise, I am out, because I do not know the program. It must, however, a possibility. Double track or effect on it would be quite expensive (of the computing power that is so easy to where it goes).
Antwort von steve:

This message has already decomposed ...
Antwort von studentenreportage:

Jo will be:)
Thank you!
Antwort von Axel:
I hope you now I have not misunderstood. But in the 2s, it is simply => = Clip> Audio Options => mapping of the source channel => Mono as Stereo .....
From another thread. But I ask for feedback as to whether APP in the following works:
1. Mono edit.
2. Balance slider to the left of the middle place (or "0" input).
This is the course and I believe the only professional method, a mono in a stereo / surround project to edit. If the premiere is not really possible, I will use the symbol APA.
Antwort von steve:

Hiergenannt The problem is not that a mono is available, but a stereo track on only one channel is recorded. So what happens when you one (mono) s.eine micro stereo jack connected.
Restoring leg you get a stereo track, which as above can be beabeitet.
Antwort von Josefa:
Hiergenannt The problem is not that a mono is available, but a stereo track on only one channel is recorded. So what happens when you one (mono) s.eine micro stereo jack connected.
Restoring leg you get a stereo track, which as above can be beabeitet.
Steve Exactly!
Antwort von Wiro:

Hello, nor a "deep end" thought about this:
Premiere for beginners dive seminars in equal measure, time and again 2 Principle discussions on:
1. Why can not set aperture, shutter when no meat is available? Well - forget it. This is the case with the repeated frames ;-)
2. Where's the button, with which I have just Stereoclip times in a Monoclip can convert.
Among the "second":
Premiere does not allow an audio track in stereo and mono mix. If you try to a mono audio into a stereo track to import recognizes the premiere and auto submit a new mono (if not already exist).
In this thread here is, therefore, that a stereo audio track available on only the left channel contains a signal (a standard situation for consumer equipment with ext. Mono Mic.). Has already been mentioned. Now arises the question: should the interview as a stereo sound running? Then the left channel into the right to duplicate. Or should the interview as a monotonous run? Then "split to mono" and the resulting Monoclip (he is called "mono left") into a mono out. The mixer is now automatic. A new mono, in the interview gepannt normally be. This is actually quite normal and everything. Complicated?
What I wished would be an additional option, a simple stereo track into a mono and ready to draw. It would be especially in this case 2 or 3 clicks savings, however, would have the disadvantage that it "dealt with" non-stereo track into two separate channels are expected (eg Atmo and interview one mono). In that case one would have to then "split to mono" option. . .
Sure appreciate the slanted reading all that long ago, but perhaps helps the questioner to a better understanding.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Josefa:

Track copy and then use the left and right
Antwort von steveb:

external audio tools take. Convert stereo to mono .... after stereo to mono. which can be almost any audio freeware tool.
Antwort von Wiro:

Hmmm - external tool. . .
We can now of course synonymous start a little competition, as they can make something s.umständlichsten ;-)
Split to mono in Premiere 4 clicks - done.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von steveb:

I am not quite sure if the questioner is actually achieved will premiere with ... at least he still has nothing to say :-)
Antwort von Mora57:
Hello, nor a "deep end" thought about this:
Premiere for beginners dive seminars in equal measure, time and again 2 Principle discussions on:
1. Why can not set aperture, shutter when no meat is available? Well - forget it. This is the case with the repeated frames ;-)
Gruss Wiro To 1 do not worry, I know a bit from me;) (holding less with the audio part: ()
Antwort von Wiro:
I am not quite sure if the questioner is actually achieved will premiere with ... at least he still has nothing to say :-) Probably he has already done it and sees no further need for discussion.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von studentenreportage:
Track copy and then use the left and right The stereo track will premiere as a whole have always used, not left and right separately!
Oh yes, the previous post ... I was synonymous
Antwort von studentenreportage:
I am not quite sure if the questioner is actually achieved will premiere with ... at least he still has nothing to say :-) Habs hinbekommen;) the tip of the Effect with Steve has worked (on the right to fill) ... sorry it took so long until I write again ... what am only in the degree of stress because I have my Project s.Samstag must submit.
Antwort von studentenreportage:

So in conclusion thank you for all tips s.alle;)