Frage von Randoms:The material is already in a sequence, is thus already been captured. Currently as HDV 1080i50 (Sequence Settings)
How do I go to when I want to change that in ProResLT.
Can I just change the sequence settings to render ProResLT and FC for my material?
Or via the media manager?
Antwort von PowerMac:
How have you been writing: both are possible. One variant changes the raw material, the other only renders the timeline in a different codec.
Antwort von Randoms:
How should I proceed exactly as if I built directly into the preferences a preference for it, "" intends?
Have so severe problems.
So I HDV material into 1440x1080i50 that brings my Setter purely via Firewire.
Would like to have it so that I have with the direct recording on the Log and Capture - direct ProResLT on the Capture Scratch.
So I would save myself a subsequent conversion by Media Manager.