Frage von Viellieb:
I've read through a lot here in the forum on the topic of HDTV, but my questions were not answered.
So yesterday I got a new Television of the company "will Harwa". The model I think heist "27M86S. It has all the standard inputs including synonymous "DVI-D IN" and "IN HDTV. Now I want to watch TV on your device and run the PC synonymous them. I heard that HDTV delivers much better quality so I wanted to run him over this input lassen.Der "HDTV IN" consists of 5 chinch Eingängen.Sie labeled wiefolgt:
(1. Audio Right = red and 2 Audio Left = Weis) then comes
[(3.Y =) Green (4.Cb/Pb = Blue) (5.Cr/Pr =]) Red!
1) First question is what do I need to watch TV on HDTV equipment in order to be able to? Is that with one Dvbt device? But it has very different outputs?
2) If I is the television as a PC monitor using visual lessen the total pixels and everything is full hard time! If the picture will be better with a new graphics card to an "HDTV" Out and I had him on "HDTV-IN" instead of pursuing with "DVI-D IN"?
Aktuele my graphics card is "Geforce TI 4800 SE"
MfG Philipp
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

So far there is no TV channel of HDTV broadcasts, synonymous DVD Player or DVDs do not exist. The World Cup will however be ausgetrahlt in HDTV. After that? From my perspective, and I'm Heimkinofan worthwhile to switch yet. As for your TV with RCA inputs so you can use this to play progressives. So-called 575p
For this purpose, but you need a DVD player or PC to support this.
Thus, the conversion deleted in Field and Diu have a full-screen playback without flickering.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Starting today at 13:00 Clock HDTV is broadcast via DVB-S2 as a free TV.
Astra 1E, 19.2 ° East
Transponder 102
Downlink Frequency: 12.441 GHz
Polarization: Vertical
FEC: 9 / 10
Video Coding: MPEG4 / AVC - 1080i/25 (25 frames per second)
Audio Coding: AC3 - Dolby Digital
Service Name: Sat.1 HD / ProSieben HD
Service Provider: ProSiebenSat.1
Those in favor auftreibt a receiver that can look!
Antwort von chrisgau:

1) First question is what do I need to watch TV on HDTV equipment in order to be able to? Is that with one Dvbt device? But it has very different outputs?
You need an appropriate satellite receiver DVB-S2 is able to receive and decode HDTV signals) (MPEG4 / AVC or present (720p or 1080i, depending on what the station broadcasts). Unfortunately, this Empänger are apparently still not available, so Sat1/Pro7 the moment probably radiate "lost".
Understand reception cards for the PC, the DVB-S2's not implemented yet. In addition, you need to MPEGv / AVC seeeeehr one potent unit.
2) If I is the television as a PC monitor using visual lessen the total pixels and everything is full hard time! If the picture will be better with a new graphics card to an "HDTV" Out and I had him on "HDTV-IN" instead of pursuing with "DVI-D IN"?
Your description is your "HDTV-in" input (called dementia), a simple input component of the so-called YUV signals receiving. This is a good quality input. To use it you need a device with a component output, which is often the case with DVD players, less often the case with satellite receivers (known to me except encountered Grobi TV box). With PC's I have seen so far does not have any graphics card with such an output.
Your PC, I would join, in fact, via a DVI-enabled graphics card. That should actually look like s.Besten, which is not guaranteed. Some displays have always problems with the scaling of certain resolutions which is why quite a few hair-splitting may be necessary.
In general, to digital transmission of images (no preference whether HDVT or not), there's two types of DVI and HDMI port (compatible with each other ... just look different from the times). HDMI can transmit synonymous theoretically sound, DVI does not. Future HDTV receiver HDTV full Resolutionwohl only be transmitted encrypted. The encryption method is HDCP and must be understood by the television, to show the picture to be.
I'm assuming that you have a
Harwa LC-27 M6
So my tip: Forget erstmal HDTV, close to your regular satellite receiver via RGB / SCART, your DVD player via component and the PC via DVI. Send Sat1/Pro7 the time anyway just upscaled PAL material. I can not imagine there with the best intentions, that the advantage over PAL is particularly large. It could simply be that the new encoding is more efficient bandwidth and maybe higher.
Antwort von Markus:
The World Cup will however be ausgetrahlt in HDTV. This is an info to me by ZDF, according to which the sender thereof, had agreed that an HDTV broadcast would be too expensive. Will be posted on the World Cup in 16:9 standard definition.
Antwort von jens:
The World Cup will however be ausgetrahlt in HDTV.
This is an info to me by ZDF, according to which the sender thereof, had agreed that an HDTV broadcast would be too expensive. Will be posted on the World Cup in 16:9 standard definition. Mark agrees. Only you forget