Frage von baddimi:
I have a problem a stupid problem! namely:
I have Windows media player 10 on my calculator but 9 would have
when I then tried 10 zulöschen and 9 zudownloaden came these
I am trying to fix problems with your help to:
So when I'm at gegengangen Settings> Control Panel Sowtware was zulöschen to Media Player 10, there is no media player 10 to delete.
When I had downloaded then 9 then translated by the English during setup of9: You already have a newer or other Media Player file on your calculator is why the setup is now geschlosne.
(by the way you want to know well wiso I will have 9 though I'm 10 it's because I have some programs that I want abspieln then there sthet but something like: this program is of älterenu.sw).
Please help me as soon as possible
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

So I really understand your problem, not because the Geich WMP 10 (and counting) can be used as WMP 9, but no preference!
So, the Windows Media Player is installed on your PC and there is not really in it. This is normal.
I'm assuming that you have Windows installed on your C: partition. (If not adjust, everything!)
So go to C: / Programs, click Windows Media Player. If the folder C: / Programs are shown nothing, follow the link on the left-Page: Contents show "or" show folders "etc.
There you can simply delete the folder, which should not block windows.
Then you can uploading synonymous WMP 9.
Would be nice if you could just write, whether it has funktoniert, or why you would like to have just 9.0 instead of 10.0 ... (Soo much difference is there doch nich!?)
Love Greetings
Antwort von prem:

Well, I know a good reason:
MP10 prevented unlike MP9 the smartrendern in Pinnacle Studio 9
That's quite miss a compelling reason, I think.
Antwort von sama:

DAS does not work on C programs, the MDP is right down there
If I try to delete: erstmal it is because this bar
for the process to löschenda moves but nothing since then to ca.15sekunden Is: The file can not be deleted
The file is of a different person bzw.of another
Schlließen program uses it all the programs the file
repetition and they can possibly use the process.
Aba I've got everything bolted out the browser and the Start Center
when I tried to einzeneln folder to delete the content was fine but plötzlcih already reflects about 15 seconds after that came out of nothing against Back. PLEASE help me
Antwort von philema:

Such mal sysoc.inf the file, if you find only in Explorer-> Folder Options-> View:
-Hide protected operating system files: wegmachen tick
-Click Hidden files / folders: All file / folder show->
Then open the File / Edit with Editor / Notepad to edit then replace the top-looking>->
Search for: hide
Enter Replace with: nothing here, so leave blank to replace> all-> Save File
Then should the Control Panel-> software-> windows components to uninstall the Media Player
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Guest"
You may have an image that you could replay? The value of this tool is often underestimated, and unfortunately, instead of in three minutes again have a functioning PC, which are often applied for several hours or days for resolution of errors committed to ...
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