Frage von Uwe:
pray you time looking at this Page:
under => work => the first clip => "Seasons Magazine" at. I find it a very successful photo show ...
Who can say what to them were made as thin moving lines? In lesser numbers, they are synonymous in the present spot "West Sports."
And the shadow of history that draws on the pictures ...?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

With the lines I have already done something in P-Pro 1.5 with the Titler and then it moves with keyframes. It is helpful to first make a sketch to develop then the movement sequence.
The linked example of you is great!
Antwort von Uwe:

Thanks Bruno for your tip with the Titler. But when I try it with the Titler I can always animate a predetermined length in line with keyframes.
In this example, changing the lines of yes as long back to a point ...
And as it is with this shadow that passes over the pictures?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Hmm, the lines synonymous expire and you will be pointed s.end hidden, probably in the game ... After Effects
Small can indeed make the lines in the P-Pro in which one zooms ...
In any case, I have taken some screenshots of this video to experiment with something along these lines ...
On my HP I have a small example with moving lines, relatively simple, but ...
Antwort von Uwe:

In any case, I have taken some screenshots of this video to experiment with something along these lines ...
Have I tried to play a little bit now synonymous. After the first 2 pictures with a bit of text lines + one knows what work is behind it.
What I find missing is a grid in the Monitor window at APP ... or somebody has an idea of how to best align the entire elements (lines, text, photos ... good)?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

I created an extra work area with a very large preview window so I can then move the mouse synonymous with the elements, while I control the s.Monitor. The lines I order on until after I set the PIP size. sometimes you have to set reorder the tracks to be able to s.gut positioning and b) the correct sequence. Yes, this is already a pretty laborious process. But you can save these projects and then share the videos ...
Do you know the scripture there for INTERIOR?
I like it with the fine line, but I'm on my PC can not find a suitable ...
Antwort von Uwe:

Your idea with the extra work area for such stories is very good - I'll make synonymous. Have been wondering whether it would not for example with Photoshop a couple of different grids with transp. + Background creates them in a track at the top lying down ...
The writing could be) a "Helbah" or an "agent (Light ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Workspaces can be saved so easily and then switch between the operating modes ...
Transparent Grid synonymous, I have already used as a tool, but come mostly from without.
I once gucke according to the Scriptures ...
Antwort von GhostDog:

I got a closer look at the synonymous times.
That with the moving lines is actually nothing more than a little creative play in the timeline.
Base is a horizontal line that blurs the s.den ends and even running through the picture. I have once created such a line in the image editor, then created in the nonlinear one complete pass (stored motion menu) and as an AVI.
If you re-import of AVI so you can play around without always having to create a new frame. You can rotate the line to let go of top-down or backward, speed up, slow down on its head and ask what an otherwise even think of.
The shadows draw over the picture, are simply wipe panels with very soft edges.
Here is the result of my Schnellversuchs:
520 kB, right zuim Download
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Uwe:

Super Wiro ... Could you not synonymous this one line (AVI) reinstellen here as a download?
BTW: Were not you here synonymous registered times. Now, you appear as a guest?
Antwort von Uwe:

I Dödel, we need only the first part of your curb noise AVI ... Edit: Nope not yet, is indeed no AVI. So please persists ...
But where am I you just s.der "leash has": In the 2nd Clip Hohenzollern Communications => I see correctly that in the single-frame shots of the team => this example were processed in Photoshop, then SW + in the timeline have been zooming in a bit ...?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Toll Wiro, as you do, so to speak from the hip ...
I have to work harder because a lot!
Antwort von Wiro:

@ Uwe
As far as I can analyze with the Hohenzollern-Peoples was exported from the live image, the matching Stillimage then herausvergrößert in the picture editor of the desired section, then remove this turned into an 8-grayscale image (the color and gray shades to get the hard). Then the head was (the face) and released in the remaining background strongly reduces the contrast and brightness reingeschoben. The results in this effect.
The finished Stillimage was then imported back into the timeline, and with the live image with a very fast aperture connected. To take the viewer the opportunity to understand this point Aperture, the Aperture was simultaneously displayed with the background text - this focuses the eye on the text and not on the "Blend trick" ;-)))
Greeting Wiro
PS: Why do I sometimes show up as a guest and sometimes as synonymous Wiro, I do not know. Yes no preference is synonymous ;-)))
Antwort von Uwe:

Wiro Thanks for the analysis with the "Hohenzollern-people. Can we eventually determined to apply himself well synonymous mal ...
Yes + with the line-AVI I've probably less chance with you Must I probably ran himself again, but is determined not as good as you - still hoping ... :)
Antwort von Markus:
PS: Why do I sometimes show up as a guest and sometimes as synonymous Wiro, I do not know. Yes no preference is synonymous ;-))) Hi Wiro,
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Antwort von Wiro:
With the line-AVI I've probably less chance with you No Chance, Uwe ;-)))
768x576px in Photoshop Create a black area, put in the center of left to right, a white line 2px wide, lie on the line to the left and right, a gradient of white to black. That's all there is.
Then as TIFF / TGA / PSD and save import to the timeline. Transparent background when saving not forget it, otherwise you'll have to catch up with difficulty in the timeline.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Uwe:

Noch ne question: How do we obtain a very soft edge to the Wipe ...?
Antwort von Wiro:

Wipe> gradient is responsible. In the Effect Controls window, then on "user" and click in the dialog box you choose of the desired gradient. In the same window, then "feathering" on about 80 put. The results in this "shadow effect", as you call it.
Hmmm - can you with the technical term "aperture mask and start gradient" anything? You seem to be in terms of post production to be not very well versed, but obviously want nachbasteln professional compositing, media designer responsible for the really are ;-))
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Uwe:

Moin Wiro,
Thanks again for your help.
But why spread s.späten evening so'n "polished arrow" ... :)
Hmmm - can you with the technical term "aperture mask and start gradient" anything? You seem to be in terms of post production to be not very well versed, but obviously want nachbasteln professional compositing, media designer responsible for the really are ;-))
Greeting Wiro We are all learners + We want to develop in terms of video editing ... Perhaps you go (or have gone) since a different path. ISTT for me now is the point where I try to learn of the professionals to analyze their work (conceptually synonymous )....
And you do not know how to ask many of the professionals of other copper "or their colleagues:" What was the transition again with this "shadow effect" ...
Synonymous of hope still get you hints + advice, because I very much appreciate your expertise ...
Antwort von Wiro:

@ Uwe
Was not intended as a pointed arrow - rather it was a thought that occurred to me while writing. Sometimes I ask myself stop, why does it always have to be precisely the grapes that hang so high.
Similar thoughts come to me whenever I read the frequently asked forum question, how one can produce images with a 400-euro-camera easily a super-wide-screen Hollywood movie look ;-)))
You're welcome
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

when you hang the grapes s.den kapok trees?
With us you have to read even when bending to 50% ...
Antwort von Wiro:
Grapes, Bruno Peter!
Grapes - not strawberries!
A propos:
Toll Wiro, as you do, so to speak from the hip ...
I have to work harder because a lot! How come?
I understand you use it Appro? Thus one need not strain it.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Because I work alone, make even smaller and of a club shall not supported ...
But always happy to give the learned next ...
Antwort von Uwe:
@ Uwe
Sometimes I ask myself stop, why does it always have to be precisely the grapes that hang so high.
Probably in most people, a character trait. Otherwise we would probably still turn on with "breaking rocks" our fire in the cave ...
Am now trying since yesterday while the first clip to imitate a bit. It brings great fun when you manage to + the learning curve is huge ...