Frage von moe.m:
I am currently taking everything together what I zusammeln for my new film Setbau need.
And there is for me a very big question mark in the space.
It will give a few scenes in a small, dark and degenerate basement hideaway play. The entire room is wallpapered. Now the wall is not bright new appearance. How can I remedy s.besten sheep.
Easy Earth ausm holln garden and the wall s.die lubricate times I think is not the right way xD. What kind of effects you can with the means to achieve and where do I get these cheap to buy?
Hope I get some answers out of
A pleasant night ;-)
Edit from Mod: Thread in the category "Filmmaking" postponed.
Antwort von kameramaennchen:

Wallpaper in his dark basement room ?....... whether the right is now I dare to doubt. Würd dir ehr propose the walls look a bit cold to say such as concrete, stone, etc.
Unterkosntruktion wooden as any plates on it and ne thin layer of plaster with which you simply plastered the wall. Looks great and really made vorallem and with a little earth from the garden synonymous "dreckigher";)
Antwort von PowerMac:
Setbau Props? Set design? Scene? Scenography? Equipment?
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Your movie is based on a true story ... Austrian? ;-)
Antwort von moe.m:

@ Kameramaennchen
Thank you for your tip. Yes, I will provide a scaffold built of wood and then it all as easy and as thin as possible apply. Is not the stable version, but it is enough to completely rotate.
@ PowerMac
So when I think back s.die school, I would now like a Ankreuzfrage treat.
Props? [] Set design? [x] Scene? [x] Scenography? [] Equipment? []
@ Hans Mole
Nene! No. I fear large claws of the film industry has not the ideas ;-)
Mal sehn was still so s.Tips comes ....
What I think of. How do I get a good floor. What fits for such a place? Concrete floor?
In the film SAW see many locations from old and dirty. Pretty much all parts of the film was rotated in the studio. How to get this dirt, mold, etc. go? I know the adults are still other possibilities. But maybe we introduced synonymous as a private person a chance to ranzukommen similar. At Google, I think as good as nothing. Is quite difficult to match Google's word to find.
Antwort von Filmstadt:

synonymous you can not help ... Hab 'but its LOST bonus docu seen that the extra with a team of specialists to employ doses and signs of aging for you. They are not so simple rausgeben their tricks. But interesting topic isses schon.
Antwort von PowerMac:
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Airbrush - so you get all the way Looks
Sponge techniques so that you get mold out
Silicone foam so you can break a lot of things look.
Floor - tiles or just take this little concrete slats s.die sites and made it the foundation on top.
If no mesh in the concrete with NEN bissel drauf then bounce around and the floor gets cracks.
In Terrarin take as Styropur klebbt the plates together Feilt structures and now breaks out, these are then dyed with Gibs (water based) eingeschmiert / eingepinselt.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

Ask a painter how to color with a sponge-how - no fear of craftsmen ;-)
Concrete is hardly ever get mold or will not be visible (which is synonymous to dark). There would be more likely to offer what tiled (synonymous better afterwards to clean). White tiles are a good start. Remember that dirt is there first, where it occurs constantly or wanders off. Anyone who has small children knows the black rings around the light switches to appreciate :-)
At the most genuine effect, but of course a "real" location. A run-down old building would be just right, a house demolition of course still very much stylish. There are other problems but because of security, electricity ...
From the Nähkästlein chat: we have two years ago, something in S.-Anhalt at a long forfeited Wohnhaus rotated. At this house we came by pure chance. That was as far as you s.vom shot just wish it could (would be ideal for the end time ...). Light was of course a problem, we could only have electricity
or Atmo ...
Filth and decay, there was really enough. Such areas / locations can be found just to the east still.
Antwort von moe.m:

Ist ja super! Here you do not have to wait only 3 weeks until we get a sensible answer ;-)
We had already synonymous Real-Location s.eine thought. But as scuba diving, as we have said, a lot of questions. Electrical, safety (especially at night or collapse hazard), permission, etc. Therefore, we have opted for a studio-construction firm. It is simply more flexible. For example, you can rotate synonymous with lightness and you are just a little isolated and does not reckon with an unexpected visit xD.
For Airbrush:
Is there any sites that are specifically with
the issue. Because most sites are more on cars, bikes, etc. specialized. Is it very expensive? Where can I get something s.schnellsten come from?
So it will be, that part of the room gets wallpaper. The person who is already a little longer lives, it has already set up something ;-) Nevertheless, of course, I want this feeling to create the basement. A wall, we will make concrete kompelett. With old pipes and cracks.
For the soil would be a kind of carpet tiles s.besten. So a carpet looks like tile or concrete floor.
But it must certainly still be invented. I know this only from the sanitary area. Where to tiles for bathrooms has to roll.
Because concrete pour, or tiling is yes but very nicely into Money.
Which stores can be so because a friend. Come from Lübeck. What websites are on the subject. Where can I buy materials.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Ist ja super! Here you do not have to wait only 3 weeks until we get a sensible answer ;-) ...
That was already synonymous mal anders ;-)
We had already synonymous Real-Location s.eine thought.
na then turns to hold your representatives - no preference which party. The poor suffer from hunger just wanted to re-treat 16% ... Wern then they probably synonymous in rat holes quite hausen and a small Zubrot not averse to ...
Is there any sites that are specifically with the issue. Because most sites are more on cars, bikes, etc. specialized. Is it very expensive? Where can I get something s.schnellsten come from?
Airbrush lasts ... wenns echt should look like. You will surely somewhere a painter in the relationship have? With a sponge and heavily dilute Abtönfarbe is what a lot faster. Vegetable oil to darken after the wallpaper and are "wonderful" dirt spots. The catch: the wallpaper and then deduct redecorate is tricky.
rotzdem course, I want this feeling to create the basement. A wall, we will make concrete kompelett. With old pipes and cracks.
Concrete must not be true. It would suffice until the wallpaper on the plaster and then runterzuziehen with gray color dranzugehen.
For the soil would be a kind of carpet tiles s.besten. So a carpet looks like tile or concrete floor.
But it must certainly still be invented. I know this only from the sanitary area. Where to tiles for bathrooms has to roll.
Because concrete pour, or tiling is yes but very nicely into Money.
You get the PVC very inexpensive. Quite exquisite dreadfulness is the black and white patterned stuff. We have designed in the basement :-)
The stuff you get in any hardware store. With a washable wallpaper, you have more than one chance, the "dirt" as naturally as possible to get added.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) The poor hunger Unfortunately just wanted to re-treat 16%. (...) ?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

"Who can read is the clear advantage," said times ..... a friend to me.
Politiker bekommen 16% mehr Lohn Was das aber with realistischem Look auf sich hat .....nun ja im Bezug auf Video ....das hab ich leider keine Erfahrungen.
Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand Berichten?
PS: @ moe.m
Airbrush ist relativ teuer , den du benoetigst Kompressor Pistolen verschiedene Düsen and etc.
Here Politiker bekommen 16% mehr Lohn Was das aber with realistischem Look auf sich hat .....nun ja im Bezug auf Video ....das hab ich leider keine Erfahrungen.
Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand Berichten?
PS: @ moe.m
Airbrush ist relativ teuer , den du benoetigst Kompressor Pistolen verschiedene Düsen and etc.
The tiles aka PVC .... care for the cracks etc aufgemalt will not allow the soil to clean effect.
With colored eagle owl can be done pretty things that remain synonymous s.Ort and body.
Under you can find it if you really need everything your heart desires. They are cheap, I have good experience with you made and the product is Top
Politiker bekommen 16% mehr Lohn Was das aber with realistischem Look auf sich hat .....nun ja im Bezug auf Video ....das hab ich leider keine Erfahrungen.
Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand Berichten?
PS: @ moe.m
Airbrush ist relativ teuer , den du benoetigst Kompressor Pistolen verschiedene Düsen and etc.
So willkopmmen to Slashcam moe.m, we are here to bother the others to help if so what has worked, you have a Läsung have found - let us and others to come to know.
Thank you
Antwort von DWUA:

So many specialists respond to a single
"Troll" - Question?
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
"Who can read is the clear advantage," said times ..... a friend to me.
Politiker bekommen 16% mehr Lohn
Yes, deswegen schrieb ich synonymous
"woll t s". But at least you did your temp reading intelligently formulate yet! As others had their problems had ;-))))
... and why do it at all a troll question be? Let someone a "trash" in the self-location have ... what is it bittschön trollig?
Antwort von moe.m:
S.euch Thank you all!
Is always very interesting as in most forums from a theme, discus ions in completely different directions to start ;-)
But back to topic
I will of course if everything is ready to post pictures 2-3. So yes just to get even more tips and can decide for himself whether to apply or not.
Of course I can not realize all tips, synonymous when everything sounds very good.
This week is the wood structure arise. Sehn time how long I need to do anything to me. Have about 2 weeks for modeling, painting, etc. scheduled.
Synonymous Then comes the next challenge. A ventilation shaft ... Mal sehn priority so I will come.
So many specialists respond to a single
"Troll" - Question?
I understand that now synonymous not quite ... Vllt. yes you can enlighten us.
Again thanks for all the Tips and Sites!
PS: Here I want to ask not set! I have already 1a helpful, but who still chooses to do what ... happy. I would be happy over it.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Old ventilation systems to get the scrap trade.
For a little money, you can be sure there chen "bay" or Teilstk. buy or borrow.
If you're ready then with the spin you give it back again
Can you ask her where you come from?
And how long do you turn?
And how big the / the spaces must be?
One of my house here is nähmlich a "demolition Bude" I live in the Hunsrück and if this is an option for you, I would rent out the house. Otherwise there is synonymous an old factory in town that actually has everything what it needs.
B. DeKid
Antwort von moe.m:
s.sowas yes, I had already thought synonymous. I am however not sure whether the high and wide enough that a man can druchkriechen. In addition, of course, I need enough openings for the camera. Time I shall see what his junk yard around here think.
If I find nothing suitable. Is it wood - or steel frame and then tinker with tin screw top.
Can you ask her where you come from?
And how long do you turn?
And how big the / the spaces must be?
Of course you can ;-)
I come from Lübeck. Is course of the dog back pretty far away.
For the scene in the basement chamber are 3 days filming scheduled.
The chamber is very small and narrow.
This sounds of course not bad. But the distance is unfortunately in the way stop. The offer is still very very nice. I hope the rest of the matching locations in the area of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg. Because a trip here night of Rhineland-Palatinate would train with for 7 people destined to cost ¬ 500. By car it would be maybe a little cheaper. But we must not forget that the equipment still synonymous must somehow keep up. So I was not angry, I would have something closer synonymous can live ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Good ok das is NEN bissel far ......
A basement has the house namely synonymous closely is old and dirty ;-)
Antwort von moe.m:
Hello again @ all,
I have just a little PVC bottoms and leisure which is synonymous found.
Here are a few very nice designs. Especially I like Rusted Stone. Only when I click on order, only the notice published in the cart. But where is the shopping cart. So either I'm blind or there really are not. Actually, those buttons are so often the upper right or left, so that the customer can find them quickly. Because I would really like to enjoy what the interest costs. And how much later so I can relocate.
In Ebay, I have synonymous geguckt. But increasingly there are wood samples are offered.
Perhaps aware of the Page yes or someone finds the basket.
Würd me a happy answer.
@ B. DeKid
I can imagine that. Beautiful dilapidated and old.
Here with us in the north one finds so often no more such locations. At the harbor and are s.Hauptbahnhof, while many old buildings and sheds but we can not simply because raufmaschieren and a film shoot xD When I was with the train passing by, I think synonymous, mG what super clubs are here. But should one s.wen as already apply?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Among the questions:
I look at the old site has photos, plus I've asked the mayor, who gave me a number of the administrator. Den I called him sketches of the setup and mailed the idea ..... I think it was because of the "liberally clad girls" not dismissed the idea of me and then left for 2 days at the site. Although I had a small sign written agreement of all the things of Him liberated (and accident insurance, etc.) but this was the smallest problem.
So at times ask the city, there are people with so-what and are tasked to assist you as you can.
Friendly and prepared to ask for an interview will almost always helps, otherwise halt guerrilla style ;-) But what it flash unit with generators and stylists stuff is rarely accomplished.
To Cart:
On the design you want then click the Add to Cart - then the main window is open again - on the left bottom pattern then click order button - now and in the data field projects, a description / request note.
(Is really tricky designed bissel NEN)
B. DeKid
PS: Powerseller on Ebay write to ask for more designs, but remember the Eby may be more expensive than directly in the loading tray after asking.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... where is the basket ...
Click once in the left navigation bar at the bottom of "pattern". You can with this shopping cart just samples, but the goods are not buying directly from the Manufacturer.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von moe.m:
Jo did the trick synonymous found.
Thank you both s.euch
A pity that one does not equal one can see what this example would cost per m². Well I will in a few days time, a bill request.