Frage von popaj:
small question s.die small entrepreneurs among you.
Just wanted to ask how you tapes, cards, etc.
recorded? So for example in the income method.
Is that still more than office supplies or other operating costs?
Thank you.
Antwort von thsbln:

I would and would book it under usual operating costs.
It is also eh no preference as long as no testing comes into the house - and if they did, as long as the materials can be disposed synonymous truly recognized as an operating expense, it is schnurzegal where are debited.
Antwort von soan:

Operating costs? I do not know ...
I reserve such things under operational needs, other.
Antwort von 0711video:
small question s.die small entrepreneurs among you.
Just wanted to ask how you tapes, cards, etc.
recorded? So for example in the income method.
Is that still more than office supplies or other operating costs?
Thank you. cartridges consumables =
memory card / tripod / etc = strip small purchases to 400 ¬ or gwg = low value goods
info but without guarantee and without liability
Antwort von popaj:

Yes, thank you.
I think sometimes synonymous which is not seen sooo close.
Eh not much you can deduct as a photographer or a mini film-makers,
then at least as a small stuff!