Frage von Spielkind:
hello together,
so slowly I missing here on the hard place of synonymous and I have the feeling that my file distribution sauschlecht organized.
I hope you can send me with your experiences to help!
what I did:
500GB hdd imac with internal
1 ext HDD 1TB FireWire
1 ext HDD 1TB over USB
it is possible to further HDD (s) to purchase, which sooner or later will be necessary anyway.
what I cut:
almost exclusively 3-4minuetige interviews, which are converted to FLV internet. 12_15minuetige once a weekly news program, etc.
how do I set myself as s.besten?
currently it looks like this:
on the external firewire disk, the clips of the cam, and to render data-capture equipment, etc. synonymous older videos, which we want to archive and edit if necessary one day, are there.
on the external usb drive I have with Time Machine mydata gescihert, but since a full week, then nothing happens anymore.
on the internal disk, the projects, a few clips that I insert into the videos (names of persons etc) and the finished videos (mov as what to render the data relate only ca.30mb large. synonymous the converted FLV files are on the internal disk.
I myself would have probably organized differently, but when I went here, had one of these structures. Now I would like the whole upside, I just do not know how ..
kann mir da jemand helfen? have begun here with video and still, unfortunately, had initially kine unknowing, had to take what it was .. (on all boards are nurnoch approx 100-200GB free.)
Many thanks in advance in advance!
Antwort von tatita:

I would be very interested synonymous. I've recently launched a new MacBookPro increased and would like to know how my s.geschicktesten data on internal / external disks spread.
Antwort von Spielkind:

how are you doing it so far?
ask others to render the entire data can be loeschen times:
I want the videos as an autonomous archive files to have. Now when I export the video and select independent film, it is naturally uncompressed and huge.
So did the videos with VisualHub to DV format placed, since each interview about 500MB, which to me is still too much ..
what format would be most useful because of this?
the videos are in hd, but can be happy down, as they always only be published online and just be archived, so only in emergency re-used. I would save lots of space and create sound. The videos would then come together when 500GB on an external disk and chuck them in the archive set.
is over all a good idea?
as I said .. quite a chaos here that urgently needs to be cleaned up x_X
thank you in advance!
Antwort von tatita:

So before I had a PC on which I watch the videos on an external USB hard drive and had everything else on the internal disks.
Now I would say the planned: The gecapturten videos on an external 1TB eSata disk, Project synonymous files on the disk, auto-saving on the internal. The finished video will arrive on a multimedia hard drive.
I will in the future often s.verschiedenen work places and work my projects would therefore like to continue working on an external disk without permanently parat un everything out to have her copy. Is it wise to render files on the internal MacBook plate to relocate or takes it on other Macs always forever until you can continue to work properly?
Also I would like my data is always gebackupt. So I would have thought that I always exteren fix at home and have a second with exactly the same data out to mitnehemen. How do I because s.besten? Are there any programs to identify which of the two plates and the current is then auto adjust? I have by PCI Card 2 eSATA interfaces ...
Antwort von Spielkind:

So the backup, I can tell you something ..
with time machine, you can choose a disk on which you have a backup.
He then copied almost the entire contents of your other plates in this and every time you change something, he copied the contents back to the auto time machine disk.
so you can go back at any time, so the data on the stand, on which they were then. if the disk is full, the oldest version deleted.
This time machine disk which could then be yes, what is at home and be updated as soon as you connected.