Frage von Claudia20:
Hey folks,
my friend and I finally have the Internet travel Triponia discovered, which I think is a great address for travel videos! Now I have a few questions s.euch. First of all I would like to know what you think and if you could imagine your journey synonymous to publish videos, so you want a professional example for its disposal. In addition, I would be interested to know what you the video of my friend do (Maverick).
I would be very happy about answers!
Nice day
Claudia eure
Antwort von Kollektor:

Bad joke right?
What must you have to "cool" to understand?
Antwort von Claudia20:

sry, that was my little brother with the geil! Thanks for the tip!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Poor advertising of Gary.
Antwort von Claudia20:

Who is Gary? Was für ne advertising?
Antwort von Claudia20:

Do I get an answer now or not?
Antwort von GuitarRy:

Your video I can not find it somehow. What is it exactly? you can mirn link or something? which member?
and what kind of advertising I do? are you crazy?
gruß s.claudia and thank you for your interest
Antwort von Claudia20:

So you're Gary! Are you logged synonymous with Triponia? Here is the link for the
Video of my friend:
[link removed by mod] Have fun
deine Claudia
Antwort von GuitarRy:

hey claudia, yes'm logged in as synonymous.
somehow the link does not. mh. can you me because the member's name mentioned? or perhaps the names of the videos?
I love to SCHAUS me.
Antwort von Claudia20:

This may actually not at all, but yes you vllt problems with the Internet! You have to just watch members after Maverick.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
In addition, I would be interested to know what you the video of my friend do (Maverick).
Well, 1:45 min water and waves. What do you think of that already? The globe is certainly been great. And exactly why should we have more than enough material times really have a travel video to make. With information about land and people, personal statements about life s.Bord, technical problems, loneliness ...
What happens: The water and waves.
I find the video stupid. Synonymous for me is not a travel video.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Who Has the IPs of Claudia20 and GuitarRy logged?
Treasures, I'm not the only one with this presumption ...
Antwort von GuitarRy:

I find synonymous claudia, tell your friend time world ne more he makes them. I personally would have recorded more
Antwort von PowerMac:

What a disabled dialogue! Markus, advertising must be really stupid not be.
Antwort von Claudia20:

I really do not know what is going on here? I am here only of people surrounded the s.Verfolgungswarn suffer. Sorry, but I somehow do not come here with very, just wanted to seek your opinion and right of you are attacked. I vllt synonymous just in the wrong forum.
Antwort von GuitarRy:

@ powermac: what is your problem scheiß? but the logs disabled ip.
what is the problem when I've presented my site in another thread but ists werbung Sist While a student project. It is called a bit too much to ask for support?
sick ... I personally am open to what people are themselves longer a member in such a community are. I've often written here many times and talked with people and helped.
Antwort von GuitarRy:

yes, it is clear. logos but the ip. almost in time with Klaudia posted. maybe I'm any user in this forum. schitzo
Antwort von PowerMac:

No user would ever write something like:
"(...) First of all I would like to know what you think and if you could imagine your journey synonymous to publish videos, so you want a professional example, has at its disposal (...)"
Antwort von AndyZZ:
yes, it is clear. logos but the ip. almost in time with Klaudia posted. maybe I'm any user in this forum. schitzo Is quite a strange coincidence:
You post your Triponia address and do advertising. However, the contents are not particularly good at away.
And coincidentally, comes shortly after a "user" of Triponia here on the Page (probably the first time in Slashcam) and again advertise Triponia.
Anyone who suspects that there is no connection, you must already be quite blind. Could well be that there actually is a coincidence, but the probability is rather low ...
And support you have given quite something: Although not in the form of contributions, but at least advice. The idea with the travel forum is a good video, I had already said, alone s.der implementation, ie s.den content is still missing. Quantity you get, certainly, but quality? Because I would s.deiner than to introduce some operators, content that a travel video MUST have to function on the Page are to be allowed to remain. You have all the options still open. So a Page can and must develop. Where is the problem compliances?
Antwort von GuitarRy:

na still post a decent time this Klaudia has in my opinion, no advertising. this type of which she speaks is already registered with us longer.
a site must first hochzupushen the quantity of - the people on the site to date.
then you can do something.
but thanks for the criticism
Antwort von PowerMac:

None of your arguments touched the thing. But so what. I do not want with you on your ridiculous marketing methods and to discuss your Page.
Antwort von Claudia20:

Hey powermac,
you seem so very sweet to be ... I find it disturbing when someone is about as ridiculous things exciting. But it must be so synonymous freaks like you give! How old are you? winking
Antwort von GuitarRy:

uff. Klaudia ...
Antwort von Markus:
Who Has the IPs of Claudia20 and GuitarRy logged?
Treasures, I'm not the only one with this presumption ... Indeed! Claudia and Gary are a-and the same user. The link I have deleted and the thread closed.
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