Servus people tagged of you by chance know of Battery, Batteries and Chargers? Because, I Batteries I bought, but I'm currently not have a clue how long I must load the.
In the manual of the charger with 2000mAh Batteries are available at approximately 20 to 30 Ladestunden. Well, it's only 10 hours difference. Geht sowas synonymous define more precisely?
I have NiMH Batteries, AA Mignon HR 6 with 2600 mAh / 1.2 V
The Charger has the following: Input - 230V ~ 50Hz 4.8W Output - 4x (1.2V ---- 120mAh)
Would be good if you could give me tips about this ...
Antwort von VolkerS:
Hello, So if you are working a lot with Batteries and you want to use them as long as possible, you should be a few dollars to invest in a decent charger. This regulates the charging and the charge current automatically.
Otherwise, when completely empty! Batteries:
Capacity in mAh / Ladesstrom in mAh Charging time in hours = approx. So in your case 2600/120 = about 22 hours
However, this applies only if all Batteries are empty. But since it is rarely the case that all Batteries have the same power level, this is more of a theoretical value. Therefore, synonymous to the vague charge time information at your Charger.
Antwort von Heffer:
Thank you for the quick reply. I must erstmal with the opportunities available to work on occasion, I can look around for another Charger.
Can you give me more information about this? How can we call this feature?
This regulates the charging and the charge current automatically.
Or what I must be careful in this particular case with the chargers? Or. Perhaps you can recommend something? Gibts da was synonymous for small budget or is it a professional product for professional price?
Or what I must be careful in this particular case with the chargers?
Hello Karsten,
NiCd and NiMH Batteries should be discharged before recharging first. Thus the so-called memory effect is avoided by decreasing the capacity of Batteries markedly. A good charger knows this and acts accordingly.
"Karsten" Heffer "" wrote:
Or. Perhaps you can recommend something? Gibts da was synonymous for small budget or is it a professional product for professional price?
I would take in any case, a processor-Charger, which even detects when the battery is fully connected. This will avoid overloading one and thus shortening the life span.
Beneficial and affordable, the Pulsladetechnik proved, in which a battery is loaded rather than with a constant current pulses with electricity. This has a positive impact on battery life, which I have clearly noticed over the years. I myself have had many years (a decade?) Such a Pulslader until a few months ago he gave up the ghost. A few of my NiCd Batteries are now as old as this Charger, synonymous, of course, if they no longer get the same performance as s.Anfang. :-)
Now I have been concerned with the development of Pulsladetechnik and invested in a reflex charger. This can Batteries normal within an hour of recharge it fully, without this particularly warm or even hot. This in turn increases the lifetime of the Batteries and a previous discharge is synonymous not necessary. Disadvantage of a reflex charger: The process is patented and therefore such a charger will cost much money.
"Volker" wrote:
Capacity in mAh / Ladesstrom in mAh Charging time in hours = approx. So in your case 2600/120 = about 22 hours
The efficiency of NiCd or NiMH Batteries is around 72%. This means that we must assign to charge any such Batteries approximately 140% to 100% charge quantity. The charging process is extended because of about 22 to about 30 hours.
Antwort von Heffer:
Well, I'm still a little time rummaging in the net and got the Battery trainer AT-drawn 1 in the preamble.
about 700 mA charging
ca je 1000-250 mA discharge (cell number-dependent!)
The charging system AT1neu offers inexpensive and advantageous auto efficient, fast and gentle STORE without overloading with PVD Peak Voltage Detection Technology
Wide range power supply integrated
UNLOADING-STORE for 1 to 4 AAA and AA cells (press)
LED DISPLAY for charging (green)
STORE auto start after unloading, button for unloading / loading = RECYCLE button (red LED)
4 independent wells, each tray is available for each cell
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