Frage von Lothar2:
Hello dear forum
Weiss someone how to Onlinetvrecorder ... mpeg.avi recorded files can be cut? Would like to remove the advertising and the particularly long lead off the recording.
Thank you very much!
Antwort von Eva Maier:
schau m, s.Hier
Antwort von Finn:

Order with the online video of (plus installed DivX Codec (eg using
ffdshow), wenn die OTRs als DivX kodiert sind). Damit kannst Du die dekodierten OTR-Videos schneiden and mittels
ffdshow), wenn die OTRs als DivX kodiert sind). Damit kannst Du die dekodierten OTR-Videos schneiden and mittels
Advertising rauszuschneiden.
In VirtualDub to "Video" to the Direct Stream Copy mode, so that only cut when you file using the "Save AVI" and save compressed is not new, what would be quality.
Manual cutting is quite simple: using "Pos1" - button sets you in points and using the "end" points out - if you'll save, only the points between IN and Out saved, the rest falls out.
Antwort von Carina:

Thank you! Works wonderfully :-)
Antwort von Mjelz:

Do we have such a problem! If I file with the VirtualDub would like to cut open, then I always get the following error message:
Could not locate decompressor for format 'DX 50' (unknown).
VirtualDub requires s.Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to DECOMPRESS video. DirectShow codecs, such s.those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable.
Why funzt now ned? What should I do?
Antwort von Carina:

ffdshow ... link above ...