Frage von Sommster:Hi!
I've ne question about the settings for rendering animations. I want in the next few weeks I realized of animation from After Effects and render the network on my website. Currently I render the files as MOV (setting: Animation) and the file is 1 minutes duration times fast 500 MB in size. Then I opened the file (I'm working on the MAC) with Quicktime Pro and then let you re-calculate (again MOV, setting: Broadband - High) The file is now much smaller (5 MB) but the quality sometimes leaves much to be desired but left. What renders your / you your animations? Direct from aftermarket with Sörensen .. or through another program? I'm grateful for each tip, enabling me to the small and qualitative files.
Antwort von Nio:
MOV file, Sorenson Pro, 2-Pass VBR