HuffYUV but not without loss - Encodierungsprobleme
Frage von c.wuensch: Juni 2006
Hi All,
I've been experimenting for about a week with the (allegedly) HuffYUV lossless codec, which I will use for capturing and cutting my videos.
Meanwhile, I almost despair s.folgendem phenomenon:
- For testing, I have a (recorded via DVB-S) video with the Canopus ProCoder converted into HuffYUV format.
- The result saw the original still quite similar.
- But now I have the HuffYUV video again with exactly the same encoding settings in HuffYUV.
- But now that figure should really be identical bit for bit ...
- If it is not! Already at first glance, the picture appears after the 2nd Coding too intense (vsrötliche) to have paints, and fine details appear to have been lost. A Comparison of the two binary files is a similarity of 0%!
Can someone explain this??
Oh yes, here are my ideas so far:
1.) Can it possibly s.irgendeiner colorspace conversion during the transcoding lie? -> And how can one determine which color space has a video?
2.) The ProCoder displays the original video from interlaced, upper field first ", and even though I have this attitude synonymous set for the target, the output video as" interlaced, lower field first indicated. -> How comes about, then?
3.) The original MPEG video has a resolution of 786 * 576 pixels (though I think it has only 720 * 576, but moved when playing in Media Player in the Width), after the conversion but it has only 720 * 576 pixels. -> Can not you at HuffYUV AVIs do not use square pixels, or is there another explanation?
4.) has perhaps something to do with the ProCoder too? -> And is there a better (and if possible free / not too expensive) alternative?
I would be delighted if I could help to someone! Am grateful for any idea or (partial) explanation!