Frage von GGast:
1.I have made s.Bodensee in the summer with 7 other friends, a vacation and filmed here. Now I cut the film and just wondering if I Of Music? use is what it is really gemmapflichtig. But it is private and no public presentation since the darts special Sieben see their film.
2.All my friends who were here want reinbekommen the film on DVD, but I have indeed the material cost again ... I actually sold the film but then did not?
Antwort von GAST:

you do not need GEMA rights and your friends may not have the DVD synonymous!
Antwort von GAST0111:

And what if he (or a friend of him) then the short-film example, in an internet forum to upload. (free downloads - public)
We'll take time on, he used interpreters in the music video 2 pieces of well-known example of micheal jackson and 2 of obscure.
What happens then? one will be charged immediately? who complains At? how much is the penalty?
how much they cost so gemarechte? net but you can only pay for a 10 minutes funvideo few euros just for the music.
are in the internet but millions of these little fun / vacation videos freely available ... where most commercial synonymous serves as background music.
This is actually just a minor offense, and yet everyone does;)
what do you say??
Antwort von steve:

Already done ... bye
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

... I would recommend you do not upload so publicly the film, said from the grounds of steve.
Sure you can argue about whether such a small holiday videos that comes to bear already, but it was not right either way!
The one at the GEMA does not sign, because such a film that is synonymous clear.
I recommend composing Selected sound, the music for film extra. This Gema-free you can use the CDs are very expensive. (But really good! Can probehören For each Gelg what comes, I mean it synonymous with the Internet or a demo CD)
In many video editing programs are also often Gema-free glory. These are often synonymous quite nice.
But if you tell your friend burn a DVD with the title on it or they vorführst private, should not be a problem. (Let's say your friend told you stop just a little money gift, had nothing to do with the DVD;)
Love Greetings
Antwort von GGast:

Kool thanks for your answers you have helped me ...
Antwort von Gast0111:
1. Ignorance is no defense.
2. If anyone does, it is nevertheless not allowed.
3. The cost to everyone can understand, if one is not caught and logged, it costs twice as much. :-( (
4. Unfortunately, the Gema is not giving the eruption point. Without the permission of the artist (M. Jackson) or his representative (music publishing) you can not log on to the PRS. Un this permission erha you for your holiday video not ...
So ... either take the risk, pay in the case of the case or take GEMA-free music.
Gruß Steve ok then ... it costs twice
But it will appear of the gema, right? is twice the price, the penalty (ie fines), or is there still more to get one?
And therefore we must have the permit from the actual artist ... then it is virtually impossible to use a familiar piece of music ... we write a thousand artists, and probably not even get an answering of 99%.
I understood that, if one has obtained the permit (which is impossible ^ ^) then you must still pay fees s.seine production company () + date s.alle concerned about how many composers / interpreters, and then charges the gema. ..
was is das für ne scheisse it please ...
it does not really have to be ok, if one hand gema sued, and of interpret says "I hät nothing against it" (because is a cool video, and he is mentioned in the credits) ...
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

yes, yes, the problem with the Gema! That is exactly the reason why so many videos circulating, in which the interpreters of the videos are not registered at the GEMA. I think the Gema thinks then synonymous nix here and says to himself views: Jo, was solls * g *
So I would myself, if there really is not synonymous is right, because time does not make soo many thoughts drum.
On the other hand, if you have a public party and then plays music, you must always pay Gema. (For us the Abipartys wherever much Gemakosten be paid)
If you then play a video, you must, of course, synonymous Gema to pay for music in the video. But who leads as large with up to 300 people or so a video public? And if they do, then get her permission usually. With so many viewers can take their entrance synonymous (offers Popcorn and drinks to it * g *) and then have it out already.
But I also think it is totally unrealistic for a video that stands on the Internet and what you pay to see 20 people, so much to Gema.
Love Greetings
Antwort von hannes:

I do not know, obs helps ....
this time an "official response:
1. When an event is public after the Copyright Act, if not the majority of the people involved and is related by marriage, and comes together in a common interest. This is the case in the video club.
The Viceoclub is therefore a public event. Screenings of videos therefore covered by the Urherbergesetz. This refers mainly to the fact occurring Music.
2.Each seconds gemageschützter Music, which is used in a video, must therefore be declared. Who does not, is liable to prosecution. Templates for these applications can be found under This is a distinction between
a) the Gemagebühren,
b) the fees of the publisher and
c) the dissemination / Vorführgebühren.
Depending on the piece of music that can be expensive. However, may be even more costly penalties for failure. Comments I would like to help but rather (;-))
Good luck from Essen