Frage von Sowbug:
I'm more or less a newcomer in the field here. but I have previously schonmal a few movies with my friends and rotated them synonymous geschnitten. Now myself, I wanted a good camcorder and growth after prolonged'm reading of papers, tests and experience reported in the canon hv30 stuck.
So what happened to me when filming would be very important, this special "cinema look", which is often synonymous is addressed. as I understand it, the hv30 has a special mode for it? (ie, it is clear to me that it is not connected to kino rankommt).
then I have of this-35mm DOF adapters heard, with which you have these lenses of 35mm SLR cameras can use and still look an additional film offer, is that correct?
had me on a few youtube videos and has been viewed amazed what you partially synonymous with non-filter, etc. can achieve the hv20/hv30 like. Here:
Now I wanted to ask you, as with the-35mm DOF adapter is running, so something where I & financial, what a 35mm lens so I need to, so to speak, then immediately "ready" to be. because I know myself in the area, unfortunately, not very good and would like to buy nothing wrong. maybe you can even purchase a few recommendations for me (so it should not stop masses cost, but not synonymous to waste his last, so I could be synonymous with no film). or I need this filter and can not synonymous to achieve such results?
wär echt super if you could help me, because I really with body and soul and dahinterklemmen wants it but the beginning of correct as possible want to make.
Antwort von Axel:
... wär echt super if you could help me, because I really with body and soul and dahinterklemmen wants it but the beginning of correct as possible want to make. Even if you do not stand on platitudes did, here's one: behind you clamp the possibilities with your DV (?) Camera, you already have everything s.Wirkung out what can. This primarily concerns good lighting (and lighting) for which you do not have to spend capital, but much care to invest. Then you take care about you in control of a program to incorporate postprocessing, keywords Color correction and compositing.
The HV30 is a good choice, but with one (of each match, the best course would be the Letus mini) you start from scratch, because he is everything to an extent complicated that you could not yet imagine. And incidentally, it increases the cost of everything in equal measure. Selective blur is synonymous for long focal lengths and apertures open (for better HD than in SD) or, if you want to work anyway staged (ie, all the time in the world and have a 5 seconds Take synonymous schonmal two days in the post may be stuck), on animated masks.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Furthermore, even said - vernümpftige Lenses for working with 35mm adapters cost more than the HV30 (un so I have my 1 Lens not more)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Quadruplex:
vernümpftige Ouch ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ouch ... namely me gently NEN Schei + +
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Enlightenment? There's' ne preview function - and most browsers can even get an integrated spell check. Maybe both in the future, before you click on "Submit"? Might be sensible ... :-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Jo would like to thank the TS and sorry I'm too stupid to write words correctly,-p
B. DeKid
Antwort von Sowbug:

schonmal thanks for the info. Now I have a question and although I've seen that it is now the canon hv40 there and I've read that the only "correct" renewal, the fact is that you directly with 24p can hold. does the hv30 when not synonymous? because dor is synonymous so that the 24p mode, or so I understand something wrong now.
would be the canon hv40 meaningful or hv30 offers the same functions?
Antwort von Axel:
... that the only "right" renewal, the fact is that you directly with 24p can hold. does the hv30 when not synonymous? because dor is synonymous so that the 24p mode, or so I understand something wrong now. According Slashcam-Comparison is probably not new, but refers to the American Model (NTSC picture rate). With the "E" model corresponds to the 25p. Do you have a source, where what is claimed otherwise? To the "p" mode to use, you need to make sure whether the NLE that supports HDV since 1080 usually "i" is.
Antwort von Sowbug:

and another question which I would imagine now. I had to before I'm pushed hv30, sony vx2000/2100 in the view and now I'm just really not sure what I should take. So, as already written s.anfan would like to make recordings is what this specific synonymous film have look. synonymous I know that as much with 35mm adapters and post in zb. adobe after effects is made. I would like to later times in the direction of film are cut and need for course material and it is not so nunmal "0815" urlaubsvideomäßig be. what do you think, I have with the sony or the canon more "fun"? So I'm rather novice in the area and know that I will work intensively with particular needs in order to achieve good results but it would be me with the sony or the canon easier first result which my ideas are to be achieved? and that without additional SCHNICK-Schnack as 35mm DOF adapters, etc., because I make no money can afford.
I would be super if someone could help.
Antwort von c.herf:

I had both cameras and VX2100 (naja) HV20 ... with None of the two you get so easily film look out. But Light and Color correction can make quite a lot since.
The two cameras are indeed but somehow very different ... I use my size, options and Other ... perhaps you should consider whether in principle, large or small and whether HD or SD, lichstark or rather not so ...
I had two cameras with really fun .... of the VX2100 is its possibilities but not entirely different matter ....
Antwort von shipoffools:
... as already written s.anfan would like to make recordings is what this specific synonymous film have look. synonymous I know that as much with 35mm adapters and post in zb. adobe after effects is made. ... Forget those "special film look"!
It has the HV30 with a movie mode, but if you do not "correct" films, ie the basic film techniques attends or better controlled, such as light, Kadrage, tripod, sound and what happens BEFORE the Camera, it's synonymous with Cinemodus and 35-mm-after holiday or amateur video look.
Or hard way: From Sch ** ße is synonymous with "aufgepepptes" Picture no gold.
The other: Who attends the most basic things and a "look" for the picture has, whose videos are synonymous without cinema mode and other gadgets, or even good professional work.
With the HV30 you are in any case to start well - the alternative would be even HF10 or HF100 to mention, as you here the sound problems with the drive noise does not have.
Antwort von Sowbug:

So would be the hv30 but more suitable for a beginner. clearly you have to observe certain things. But after I received a couple of videos on youtube so on I was already amazed with what pure "color" have to achieve. So then it will probably be the canon. did you maybe a good tripod, which I could use the hv30? So I would like to hire filming concerts synonymous but synonymous in free shots etc. make. there are so synonymous tripods found in the hand and holds it "shot" may not it? (ie so ne art bar where the top holding the cam is attached) is something to recommend this option and there are synonymous with "feet" so that it is synonymous normally can stand? So ne combination. and what would happen to the top still make sense? any special filter on the I jedenfall s.die camera should do? would be great if you give me a few things you could mention (to hire with the product name so that I can look the same afterwards, due to ordering, etc.)
I thank you in advance for the many information and you will, as soon as I was respectable "developed" have a video here maln purely represent.
Antwort von Axel:
... So would be the hv30 but more suitable for a beginner. clearly you have to observe certain things. But after I received a couple of videos on youtube so on I was already amazed with what pure "color" have to achieve. Yes, sure. But my outpost synonymous and I want the fattest Beginners error when you stifle: That quality is instant effect. If you have, what is in front of the camera, so arrangierst that it looks good, give all the recipes look of this world still a dab cream on top (and synonymous only if they are used intelligently, which requires experience). That makes a maximum of five percent. People you theoretically and practically with light, with equipment, choosing the right location, costumes, makeup, picture composition. There is almost no preference, then what camera you have. The Council is pure gold, but is regularly disdains. And then wonder the makers of any mess to Vimeo or YouTube on why you such a contempt entgegenschlägt (EDIT: Before all this should of course synonymous is a good
story. This fall measured 99% of all Magic Bullet and shots through the adapter shredder. And good cut. So many aspects, and since you asked at the beginning after the Look! It's as if the image is more important than being. Is perhaps the trend). Comprende?
... So then it will probably be the canon. did you maybe a good tripod, which I could use the hv30? So I would like to hire filming concerts synonymous but synonymous in free shots etc. make. there are so synonymous tripods found in the hand and holds it "shot" may not it? (ie so ne art bar where the top holding the cam is attached) Without any hesitation, I recommend the Velbon DV 7000th Instead of hand-held camera to make (not recommended), you can do it once synonymous with being folded two hands, that would be a precursor to the type of> tripod or> Steadicam like you in mind and how you can certainly buy someday.
Antwort von shipoffools:
... and what would happen to the top still make sense? any special filter on the I jedenfall s.die camera should do? would be great if you give me a few things you could call (; hire with product names, so I can look like then, because of ordering, etc.)
... Accessories for the HV30, which is not only useful, but almost "compulsory" is (in addition to the above-mentioned DV7000):
- At least an additional Battery + Charger
- Wide Converter (; ideally, the original converter of Canon)
- Lens hood
- External Microphone
Just use the advanced search, eg "AND Accessories HV30" (;... or HV20), as you will with tips and Empfehlugen slain ...
Useful Tips you'll find, for example, synonymous in Wolfgang's Blog:
Antwort von Sowbug:

ne would have to ask batteries.
So I've read that so many no-name batteries use and thus have no real problems.
something good for now: Canon HV20-HV30-HG10_W0QQitemZ140270416203QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDE_Elektronik_Computer_Foto_Camcorder_Stromversorgung_PM? item140270416203 hash = & _trksid = p3286.c0.m14 & _trkparms = 72% 3A1229 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
and what would be the difference to zb. here?|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 ||66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
hope you can help me.
Antwort von Bidone:

The difference is likely to be capacity.
I take advantage of the second link and it runs very well s.meiner HV30.
Use it only for about 8 weeks.
The 7000 with the Velbon synonymous, I can only emphasize that I bought and am very happy with it.
Now I am in search of an external Microphone. Covered s.das Rode SVM. Let's see. At the time I got my Zoom H2 audio recorder as an external Micro connected. The built is hardly usable.
If it is quiet, one hears the band noises mostly outdoors and in wind noise, synonymous when the wind noise reduction is turned on. There is my old Panasonic camera have been better. Well but the image quality is for me as a very good amateur filmmakers.
VG Bidon
Antwort von krokymovie:

I advise to synonymous Velbon DV-7000.
with no-name battery (different providers), I have unfortunately not so good experience, despite the supposedly better performance, the series keeps accurate time. Of course, you can brand synonymous with brand vareiren. regarding the award would be less efficient, however, to live with. I would therefore be affordable to the variant type and two of them ordered.
Antwort von Axel:

Antwort von pilskopf:
As I said above, fuzziness can be small to very large detours via keyframe superbly animated alpha masks produce. You need not synonymous Aftermarket effect synonymous if there for more accurate methods, but it is synonymous with the usual cutting applications. 2 days is the work but not at 5 seconds but 1-2 hour of work, perhaps when the scene is not just too complicated or a lot of movement in it, but even that can be made. A simple scene with no great movement can be divided into 20 minutes so realize Exercise and precise steps vorrausgesetzt.
Antwort von krokymovie:
One should perhaps Sowbug mention that you do not even necessarily need the Magic Bullet.)
yes absolutely correct, but may harm's not synonymous. my vid was made with pinnacle ultimate, here is the Magic Bullet Looks for free. slippers for the whole "hunni".
Antwort von Bespi:
As I said above, fuzziness can be small to very large detours via keyframe superbly animated alpha masks produce. You need not synonymous Aftermarket effect synonymous if there for more accurate methods, but it is synonymous with the usual cutting applications. 2 days is the work but not at 5 seconds but 1-2 hour of work, perhaps when the scene is not just too complicated or a lot of movement in it, but even that can be made. A simple scene with no great movement can be divided into 20 minutes so realize Exercise and precise steps vorrausgesetzt.
these pseudo-random "unschärfe masks" but look damn shit and mostly from cheap. synonymous in the above video to convince me not. see you sometime in the 3:47 minute video on krokys. around the statue is still a sharp circular. looks totally unrealistic from. you have to just mask the statue. this is normal and cut programs synonymous with magic bullet, but not at all possible.
lg bespi.
Antwort von pilskopf:
As I said above, fuzziness can be small to very large detours via keyframe superbly animated alpha masks produce. You need not synonymous Aftermarket effect synonymous if there for more accurate methods, but it is synonymous with the usual cutting applications. 2 days is the work but not at 5 seconds but 1-2 hour of work, perhaps when the scene is not just too complicated or a lot of movement in it, but even that can be made. A simple scene with no great movement can be divided into 20 minutes so realize Exercise and precise steps vorrausgesetzt.
these pseudo-random "unschärfe masks" but look damn shit and mostly from cheap. synonymous in the above video to convince me not. see you sometime in the 3:47 minute video on krokys. around the statue is still a sharp circular. looks totally unrealistic from. you have to just mask the statue. this is normal and cut programs synonymous with magic bullet, but not at all possible.
lg bespi.
Can I give you right that it does not always look good must be, I can give you quite synonymous own stuff to show what I said in the fast time made. I've only 1 week ever begun, the time to try, the little vid with Schnippseln comes a little later, I only have to upload it.
Man with Magix can not even pull the masks as you want but you can multiple b / w masks and this put an s / w export mask. So one can indeed synonymous with moving scenes Unschräfe position that the masks vorrausgesetzt clean by Keyrame set and by drawing program exactly synonymous with Grauverläufen cut and processed. Is ne Fummel work with After Effects and with much better security, but that did not stop everyone and DoF, you do not use in any scene. But few can have very nice effects so hold. The Vid is so small yet.
Antwort von pilskopf:
Here's an extra for you DOF Fake Vid. Qaber was not meant to show me otherwise I would have done so more effort. : D At the sink, however, is what went wrong because I only have had as MP4, which is actually sharper otherwise, I would feel strange scale, who wants to understand. But is only for now as a demonstration and long hats in this case is not needed and the result is not so bad, I think, in comparison to the original but worlds apart. So it's been, I think the issue is not the work itself can make.