Frage von Joo:
Hi Folks,
There is a real image stabilization plug-in for Premiere pro 1.5?
I durchgesucht entire internet .. as yet found nothing!
Greetings s.alle!
Antwort von WeiZen:

It is even supplied a: SteadyMove. For an extra charge is there SteadyMove Pro. Alternatively, the DSaker and Freeware plugin for VirtualDub (RGB color space) or VirtualDubMod (YUV) color space.
Antwort von Wiro:

Yes, on my Premiere CD was SteadyMove plug it.
Otherwise and there SteadyMove.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Joo:

Thank you, I look out!
Antwort von Joo:

Steady Move Pro plugin seems only to premiere pro 7.0 and not suitable for 1.5 to be. The existence sowas for premiere pro 1.5?
Antwort von Wiro:

who can read is a clear advantage.
On is the following (3 clicks needed to find it):
The default folder for 3rd party plug-ins has changed between version 1.0 and 1.5 of Premiere Pro. This means that the SteadyMove Pro plug-in will be installed in the wrong location in v1.5 and will not appear in the list of video effects.
For Premiere 6.0, Premiere 6.5 and Premiere Pro 1.0 The SteadyMovePro.aex file is installed in <HostInstallDir> \ Plug-ins
For Premiere Pro 1.5, it must be placed in <HostInstallDir> \ Plugins \ <Locale>
If you have installed the U.S. English language version of Premiere Pro 1.5, for example, then 3rd party plug-ins such s.SteadyMove Pro need to be placed in C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Premiere 1.5 \ Plug-ins \ en_US
SteadyMovePro.aex Either copy the file to this folder or specify this location when you run the installer SteadyMove Pro. Copying the. Aex file will make SteadyMove Pro video effects appear in the list (under the heading 2d3) but if you want the help files to work then you should also copy the help. Pdf to the same location and amend the installed location registry entry . It will be easier just to uninstall the plug-in and re-install all, specifying the correct location.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von Joo:

Thank you, that actually works!
Antwort von JonavanLaak:

I've seen your contributions to me just because I was synonymous in the search for a Entwacklungsplugin for Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5. But I had to realize that the Page not somehow be opened. Gibts da noch ne andere Page?
Please reply