Frage von oil2005:
I have a big problem with Final Cut Pro. I have a finished sequence (HDV 1080i50) I export as Quicktime movie wants. So I go to Storage - Export - Quicktime movie. With the settings I use "Current Settings", "Audio and Video." The export works synonymous only when I watch the movie then, I must say that after almost every short cut to image errors. (In Picture will appear momentarily large pixel errors.)
What am I doing wrong? Had ever been the same problem. At that time, it does, the screen saver on my Mac off. The error no longer appeared.
Could it perhaps s.der length of the sequence is (approx. 3 hours). Work on a MacBook Pro with 2.4 GHz and 2 GB of RAM.
Hope someone can help me. [/ B]
Contribution from the mod in the section "Mac / Final Cut" move.
Antwort von Axel:

The main sequence, which I ever had to make, lasted 1h 20m. It consisted of about 15 scenes, which I completed in a master sequence drew. Slightly under time pressure, I exported everything to an external disk. Again, there were numerous errors that I initially could not explain. Each individual sequence played in the Preview desktop clean. The problem was the real-time. It sounds incredible that Final Cut Pro or prior to export as "independent film" does not need anything "really" renders. But apparently it is so. Possibly a wrong default on my part, but otherwise you should probably call a bug.
The solution was, before exporting to render completely, until no longer green bar will appear. After everything was in order. I hope it is synonymous with you is so simple.