Frage von egal:
Good day,
I am in the Christmas gifts themselves, and bought a new PC and Adobe Premiere Pro.
In order to familiarize myself with the program, I'd like to self-recorded videos family (formerly of directly edit VHS transferred to DVD).
To this end I would like to completely capture the 34 DVDs in the PC, then put together as all the Christmas pictures, etc.
(Also, I would like to improve the quality of images - noise filter, etc.)
Problem: Premiere reads the Vob-files not.
Can I buy a plug-in for this, so this is possible?
If not:
In my search on the Internet I am on the freeware Sceneo VCopy Pro
encountered, with which one can convert the DVD files to other formats. Which format should I choose to minimize the loss of quality have to (file format and codec)
Space is not really important, because the hard disks are still pretty empty.
'd Really appreciate tips.
no preference
Antwort von jasmin61:

because you have indeed done a bit of work ...
I write to you once, I'll do it, if there is something better and faster, please corrects me!
* edit
that did not work yet, will try again next and let you know
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Schonmal Thanks for the reply.
Get the time to try.
That will take a while to load the 34 DVDs on computers and sorting information, I understand that.
But I had long thought to be editing the video into a hobby. So far, however, only a bit of messing around, and always had fun off (except the speed of the old PC ...)
And to get the whole thing to experiment are old family videos, but an ordinary thing.
Antwort von egal:

Silly question: why do I need this DVD Decyrpter. The copied but only the DVD to hard drive.
Can I make it synonymous with the Windows Explorer?
Antwort von MiXMaster:
Silly question: why do I need this DVD Decyrpter. The copied but only the DVD to hard drive.
Can I make it synonymous with the Windows Explorer? Has done himself. Is probably not.
Why I do not understand, but it is not the whole film has been copied.
Antwort von jasmin61:

Read it here ...
perhaps even works
Antwort von Stefan:

For longer videos, the video data on DVDs are stored in separate files as separate files on the DVD-Video only max. 1 GB may not be large.
The DVDDecrypter can possibly summarize separate VOBs, so that you have a video file per DVD. Miscellaneous benefits I see no DVDs in private ;-)
If you need to familiarize yourself yet anyway - why do not you work yourself into a program, which has no problems with VOB?
Only the scope of your work - the 34 DVDs and conservatively produce schnitttauglich Pi * thumbs (1 h estimated DVDs to AVI DV codec), so the 450 GB raw video ... If you program directly with one VOB fit for working, it would be "only" 150 GB of raw data.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Stefan:

If it must be APP, you should watch MainConcept MPEG Pro
But I do not like this plug-in MPEG2 video deals with the synonymous contain P and B frames. Their FAQ indicates that there are no problems.
And whether VOBs, the special MPEG2s are also supported.
But for testing, there is indeed a trial version or for reading the manuals.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von egal:
If you need to familiarize yourself yet anyway - why do not you work yourself into a program, which has no problems with VOB?
Thanks for the tips once.
I use Adobe, because a colleague of me for some time digital video editor, and of the program had raved about, and so synonymous great things he has rotated.
I have looked upon me with him then synonymous times, and it was quite reasonable.
He had also synonymous for a few training videos on Adobe.
Then I just ran off to get Adobe.
And as I have already bought the Adobe now, and am convinced synonymous basically it, other software will no longer be considered.
I just downloaded the trial version of the plug. Seems to work.
Can even record directly of DVD capture.
Although I have the price for the plug-in hard find. I think that my not be worth ¬ 200. Since I will probably rather transmuted the files, because I except these 34 DVDs synonymous not intend to read more DVDs.
Well let's see how the demo version is proposing.