Frage von erenvideo:
Git is a footage of a DVD hard drive recorder possibility to import to the calculator in order to cut. DVD recorder is Panasonic DMR-595
Thanks for tips and tricks
Antwort von tommyb:

The easiest way is the hard drive from the device to be found. The plate is with the highest safety standard to be indeed a (possibly PATA / IDE connector), but the connection s.den PC (using an external case) You may run into problems:
1) The disk is formatted with an unknown file system (not FAT, not NTFS, nothing can read what the PC). The find out, is not particularly easy. Linux systems, however, could read at doing this, often all the hardware works in the recorder for Linux.
2) You will not find any files which are usually known. Ie no clear files with the extension MPG. Most likely, Sound and Picture are in separate files and still there not even a consistent name pattern (the details of the files are then stored with the highest probability of meta-data, in turn, not simple text data are encrypted are special in some way).
If you absolutely want to have you deal with it and thereby possibly the plate "to make flat ', then you can try it with the expansion. Data can not lose more than you.
Alternatively, nothing remains but to play off as the data on DVD. Some recorders dominate the "quick copy". The data is not draufgespielt in real time, but directly burned onto the DVD as it is known from the DVD Burners. Has the advantage that it is the second, with quality losses associated Encodiervorgang saves the data very quickly and end up on the disc.
However, this method only works if the clip is completely on the DVD (that fits around 1 hours to remove, or 2 hours SP). Chopped videos can be normally. not "copy quick".