Frage von Ulib:
How can man for use as a cover photo
one frame (. AVI)
from PPro and then filter out eg in an authoring program like Encore Menuhintergrund used as a make?
The Picture should be JPEG or BMP etc..
Who can help (thank you ever)?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Output as a single under export - can help as synonymous - F1 - Export output settings
B. DeKid
PS: See synonymous Screen Capture
Antwort von Enno Winde:

In the CS3 was quite comfortable with the File> Export> Frame.
In CS4, this feature is unfortunately lost. If you only by the work area in Prempro to export the frame and then choose File-> Export-> media in Windows Bitmap format or jpg or whatever format always synonymous choose. I commend you because TGA JPG compressed. Opens Then the Media Encoder and do the rest
Is a little bit through the chest into the left eye, but Adobe says with the update to 4.1 will export the frame back in it's history.
The Enno
Antwort von Bespi:
In the CS3 was quite comfortable with the File> Export> Frame.
In CS4, this feature is unfortunately lost. If you only by the work area in Prempro to export the frame and then choose File-> Export-> media in Windows Bitmap format or jpg or whatever format always synonymous choose. I commend you because TGA JPG compressed. Opens Then the Media Encoder and do the rest
Is a little bit through the chest into the left eye, but Adobe says with the update to 4.1 will export the frame back in it's history.
The Enno this is so not true.
cs3 neither in nor could ever CS4 jpg export. that it is now just the media encoder is, by all possible output formats have been brought together, is a big improvement. no idea, because what you describe as uncomfortable. no function is lost, they were only useful together. the adobe media encoder "yes based on the former" flash video encoder ". this media encoder can now be synonymous as a standalone application to encode media files of files to be used. a truly meaningful improvement in CS4.
So summarized: nix has this changed hang together, it was only useful summary and direct jpg export in premiere, it is unprecedented.
gruß bespi