Frage von snobbys:Hi All,
we want to record the games s.einem pool table with analog cameras and Live () during the recording show the score. As this is constantly changing, it must be possible to change the fade in on-going recording. The cameras will be connected via capture card (BNC connector) s.den PC. The Picture will be directly stored on the PC hard drive to be issued simultaneously by beamer on a screen and also be made simultaneously as a live stream on the Internet. Now I've already tried several things but so far I've only found software with unchangeable Advertisement.
I hope one of you can help me.
Norbert Schaefer
Antwort von Gast1:
Look at the Visual Communicator at times. Perhaps gehts so. But I'm not sure if the PAL is now controlled. There were earlier problems.
Antwort von snobbys:
Visual Communicator, I have myself seen and tried. In my opinion, complicated, confusing and too expensive. I want to show only one name, and the latest scores, maybe even a logo. It seems that such a simple idea but not so easy to implement.
Antwort von Gast1:
Then you still remain an analog mixer. Can you perhaps conveniently at one of the many AV companies rent or buy on EBay?