Frage von ChristianK:
I have a little problem with above-mentioned program, for which I could not find an answer here, so I post's views:
Even in the smallest, shortest clip I have loaded in the WMM, happens when "Saving Movie" follows:
Progress continues at 8% and are the "Minutes Remaining" count steadily upwards.
The machine is doing at the time nothing, no CPU load. Enough space in the destination directory, the chosen size to save is "is small, best quality".
But no preference, which I choose to target formats, the effect is always the same.
8% progress, and "318 Minutes Remaining" - and rising, as an example 6 seconds at a clip.
I break from saving depends WMM.
What can that be?
Thank you,
Antwort von kerberos:

If the file while growing?
I am yesterday at the Ulead MediaStudio the same thing happens when I tried to export directly to MPEG.
The clip will be exported, and about 2 seconds before the end of the export works in an infinite loop, and the file gets bigger.
However, I can not tell if it actually attaches something if I cancel, it deletes the file synonymous.
Antwort von ChristianK:

No, the target file remains with the initial standing 6K. Not only the CPU is doing nothing, there is no disk activity synonymous.
I've been wondering whether it might perhaps be due to the lack of specific codec to encode on my chest and then stop WMM just hangs in this call (). Can it be?
Antwort von Daniel_23:

I'm synonymous with some mpegs. S.codec really seems to lie.
Antwort von ChristianK:

I look in the WMM codecs needed him? Until now I have no picture (offered) found for storing, in which the above-mentioned problem does not occur. What I would have an alternative: Do WMM only unlocked ", etc. will be before I can save it?
Antwort von kerberos:

not really.
Does not even clean or AVI?
Antwort von ChristianK:

No, not even das .. 'm Really puzzled ...