Frage von Luke Skywalker:
Hi Video Fans
I got me a zusammengemacht animation and would like to know what program do I need to add this animation in my film too.
Thank you in front out
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Luke,
for DV editing you need - who would have guessed that - a video editing program. ;-)
Antwort von cassiopaya:

Yes des is synonymous to me clearly. But the net comes with all the
Antwort von Markus:

Which video editing program, you can not cut video recordings? That would be a dummy package! ;-)
Joking aside: What format are concerned because the video files?
Antwort von luke skywalker:

I think you are exclusive me wrong: I've ne drüberlegen animation and want to speak about another film
Antwort von Markus:

What do you not write, I do not know. So you want to add whole scene, not just anywhere, but show your animation into an existing video image. Right?
In this case, export the animation sequence with alpha channel, import them into your video editing program, they put a video track above s.als the video scene and choose as the alpha channel transparency.
Antwort von Luke Skywalker:

servus markus
yes I'm sorry that I did not clearly expressed, but thanks anyway for your help
while I'm here you know happened to s program of which I can do? (if possible freeware)
Antwort von Markus:
while I'm here you know happened to s program of which I can do? Yes, Adobe Premiere and After Effects (which have spontaneously occurred to me). Sure synonymous nor countless other video editing programs.
(if possible freeware) No, but maybe someone else knows something suitable?
Antwort von Gary Young:

there's the ZS4 Video Editor:
is freeware and can probably synonymous various stories compositing.
Antwort von luke skywalker:

hi people
so many thanks for your help now I'll try it different programs
Antwort von asdasdasd:

I have a similar problem:
I have created in Premiere Elements, a keyframe animation, with areas that will later be transparent.
So far I have put a Color Matte in the animation, the whole exported as DV - and then inserted in the target project with Color Keying. Unfortunately it looks like from the barrel ...
How do I get transparency from former Premiere and re-import?
Schonmal Thanks!
Antwort von asdasdasd:

I'll give me the answer is simple, even, perhaps even hilfts next to someone.
The animation as a film strip to export and load it into Photoshop, where a new layer of transparent white on black paint on this layer and only save it as a film strip.
This comes into its own track to premiere on the clip to be transparent.
The clip with the animation gets to the track matte effect, is the fact the track with the black and white clip selected, and for this the luma option.
The problem s.der eigtl only thing is that Premiere Elements any kind of transparency or alpha channel in Filmstrip files are ignored (at least in Photoshop 6) ...
The indication from the help that they should the black / white / disable clip, so I can not understand
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi asdasdasd,
If your article is not hiding something, or I interpreted it all wrong you have a clear run too much effort: as mentioned above of Mark, you might want to export your material with alpha channel. These synonymous element in the position should be. Choose a single or uncompressed format and export. Thereafter, the clip can be superimposed without keying.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von asdasdasd:

Maybe I do not see it - but seems to be the alpha-element information is not really into frames to export, it is simply black.
And vice versa, neither transparency nor alpha from a Photoshop Film Strip will be imported. Therefore, under the circumstances.
Antwort von videotomi:
So far I have put a Color Matte in the animation, the whole exported as DV - and then inserted in the target project with Color Keying. The DV codec does not support an alpha channel!
render the whole of it - as of jörg described in a format out what the alpha channel with transport:
Setting with Quicktime animation codec - alpha-please
- Image sequences - with alpha channel tga or tif
let the rubbish about photoshop
PS: selective perception ...;-)