Frage von Ben T.:
I have the following problem: When I click on my PC, the demo version of After Effects CS3 install, I get after about half completed installation the following error message: "The extraction of some data is an error. Please check the available space or the write protection of the specified folder. " (Or at least as something in the nature) of space is still a lot there, the write-protect the folder can not be repealed. When I try this, although he only, but when I then look at the properties again, the write protection again. However, I believe it is not the synonymous because, in principle, all my folders are protected and that was never a problem.
Thanks in advance
Ben T.
Antwort von Fantomas:
... the write-protect the folder can not be repealed. Quark. Das course, You must of course, the folder of any silly Sicherheitsrichtlinein and Tools befreiuen as well as the inheritance of properties off the parent folder.
However, I believe it is not the synonymous because, in principle, all my folders are protected and that was never a problem. Öhm yes. But, of course, is exactly the problem. See above. Installations always require administrative privileges (WinXP) or installation as Administrator (Vista).
Antwort von Ben T.:

Danke erstmal!
With the copy protection can not be repealed "I said no it is not generally, but rather in this case it did not work. TO my computer, I am the administrator, because it probably can not lie ...