Frage von promo89:
how the technology works with the intermediate format?
I work with Premiere Pro CS 4 on Windows 7 64bit and my size is AVCHD.
Since I have big problems to edit this format, I was given the tip should I use this technique.
But how?
Thanks in advance.
Antwort von beiti:

Unfortunately, Premiere Pro is shipped with no intermediate codec. You must therefore buy more one, such as the Cineform NeoScene. (As far as I know there is a trial like this, so you need not buy a pig in a poke.)
The application is relatively simple: All your material is in the batch in the AVI format with NeoScene codec converts. In this format, it can be cut easily.
The intermediate format as an intermediate between AVCHD and the desired output format is qualitatively virtually irrelevant.
If you have a solution without specifically looking to be bought codec, you can request your AVCHD footage with CS4-board tools to convert to MPEG2, which then can also work easily.
MPEG2 is not quite as unassuming as a true intermediate format, but it takes the calculator at least far less than AVCHD.
To keep the quality MPEG2 losses small, you should not skimp s.der data rate, 35 Mbit / sec. should be reasonable.
Alternative to all conversions you could upgrade to the Premiere version CS5 consider, because there the AVCHD real-time performance is better than in CS4. Bring only what course, if your calculator is already relatively potent.